如期如質完工為營建管理人員重要任務,但實務上大型工程卻常有契約約定工期過短的問題。若承攬廠商未仔細審酌、安排專案所需之工期與各工項施作期程,將面臨鉅額逾期罰款。本研究以案例分析方式,探討天然氣發電廠之汽輪發電機主結構體施工時程延宕問題,並於後提出改善的建議方法。 本研究發現天然氣發電廠之汽輪發電機主結構體工程之施工延宕,主因在出工人數及機具數量不足、業主網圖編排漏項,以及鋼筋設計複雜施工困難所致。經本研究分析探討,歸納出改善時程的方式為(1)部分作業項目提前施工、(2)調整作業項目施工順序、(3)改善施工工法並調整施工團隊人數以縮短施工天數,以及(4)拆解結構設計圖改善鋼筋加工模式。 施行本研究提出之改善建議可大幅減少逾期天數,意即以增加少許施工成本,換得減少數億元之逾期罰款。本研究所提出之時程改善方式,可供其他大型工程改善時程參考,降低逾期受罰可能性。 ;Completing the engineering project on schedule is one of the most important tasks for a construction manager. In practice, large-scale projects often face the challenge of having insufficient time specified in the contract. Consequently, contractors who fail to carefully consider the required duration and schedule for project execution often face the risk of substantial delay penalties. This study conducts a case study to explore the issue of construction delays in the main structural components of a natural gas power plant′s turbine generator and proposes improvement methods. The study identifies that the main causes of construction delays in the turbine generator′s main structural components of the natural gas power plant were insufficient labor and equipment, missing items in the owner′s network diagram, and installation difficulties for complex reinforcement designs. Through analysis and investigation, the study identifies several ways to improve the schedule, including early execution of certain activities, adjusting the sequence of activities, improving construction methods, optimizing the size of the construction team to shorten the construction duration, and improving the steel reinforcement installation process by dismantling the structural design. The findings of this research demonstrate that implementing these improvements can significantly reduce the number of days of delay with minimal additional costs, thereby avoiding the potential for multimillion-dollar fines for delays. The schedule improvement methods proposed in this study can serve as a reference for improving the schedule of other large-scale construction projects during their execution.