本研究利用民國96年至109年「A1、A2類交通事故調查表」、「交通部酒駕取締資料」與民國94年至106年「法務部判決資料」,並使用Logit模型進行分析,探討民國100年至108年間,四次酒駕相關法令之修訂,對於所有酒駕者與酒駕再犯者之酒駕再犯行為的影響。四次酒駕相關法令修訂之時間點分別為民國100年12月、民國102年3月、民國102年6月及民國108年7月。 實證結果顯示,民國108年7月《刑法185條之3》以及《道路交通管理處罰條例第35條》之法令修訂,對於所有酒駕者以及酒駕再犯者之未來酒駕再犯行為,皆有明顯遏阻效果。另外,本研究也發現,騎乘機車之酒駕者或無照駕駛之酒駕者,其未來酒駕之再犯率明顯高於其他車種的酒駕者。且酒駕政策之修訂,對於低酒測值者有一定程度的影響,但對於高酒測值者以及酒駕再犯者的影響效果有限。;The purpose of this research was to analysis the effect of our law amendments on drunk-driving recidivism from 2011 to 2019. The amended date of drunk-driving law were December 2011, March 2013, June 2013 and July 2019 respectively. This study utilized The Roadway Accident Investigation Form of National Policy Agency, drunk-driving enforcement data of Ministry of Transportation from 2007 to 2020 and the court judgement of drunk- driving from 2005 to 2017 and the logit model was applied. The empirical result indicated that the amendment of §185-3 Criminal Code and §35 Traffic Regulation in 2019 had decreased the probability of drunk-driving recidivism of all drunk-drivers and drunk-driving recidivists significantly. In addition, this study also found out that the motorcyclist drunk-driving and unlicensed drunk-driving had notable probability of drink-driving recidivism than other drivers. Moreover, the revision of the drink-driving policies had remarkable impacts on drivers with low alcohol test scores while had limited effects on those with high alcohol test scores and drunk-driving recidivists.