摘要: | 這幾年全球受COVUD-19疫情的肆虐,國際受到原物料價格影響,勞動人口下降,使經濟受到嚴重衝擊,其中以人為本的服務業更佳嚴重,對整個保全物業管理的產業,出現有訂單有需求,卻面臨徵不到基層服務人員的窘境;市場上有非常多的科技產品,協助保全物業管理公司處理設備安全、櫃台服務、門禁等服務,但無法徹底解決離職率高的問題。藉由本研究找產業界及個案公司面臨難題,並以現實情形下提出因應的對策,讓個案公司能永續經營。 本研究分為三個階段進行,第一階段問卷調查從個案公司內部、外部員工,及現有服務社區的委員針對各種物業管理所應用的手機應用程式(APP)在使用上對公司、對社區的影響,是否提升服務項目或提升價值。第二階段針對產業做五力分析,及對個案公司做SWOT分析,了解產業現階段競爭力高低,廠商的威脅力、供應商和客戶議價能力,作為評估企業在外環境中優勢與劣勢。第三階段從SWOT分析研究,針對個案公司內部優勢和劣勢,外部機會和威脅,所面臨環境問題。加以分析及探討,擬定策略、改善缺點及突破瓶頸,最後再提出經營管理策略,達到永續經營。 分析及研究後提出的經營策略,包含:(1)開闢異業結盟合作的新局,例如與長照機構合作等方案;(2)對外做出品牌差異化,區隔市場;(3)對內提升員工福利加強員工教育訓練;(4)強化供應商合作關係以降低成本;(5)引進專業資訊人才,整合科技產品,提升系統能力;(6)審慎評估包租代管的效益,若可行將可提升附加價值。對於提升S個案公司績效,朝向永續經營,且整合科技智慧產品建構完整的服務平台,為客戶創造更全面的附加價值,打造全新社區服務生態鏈而努力。;Due to COVID-19 rampaging for over 2 years and the recent Russian-Ukraine war, surge of price of raw materials and the labor force shortage have severely impacted the economy. Among different industries, the labor-intensive service industries are even more severely affected. For the concierge and doorman security industry, even though there are high demands for the service, companies in the industry have difficult to recruit entry level employees to fill their labor demand. There are many new technologies and products that can support employees of security property management companies in handling equipment security, concierge services, access control, etc., but they fail to completely solve the problem of high employee turnover rate. Through this research, we find the problems faced by the industry and share a case study of one concierge doorman security company, and propose countermeasures to overcome the difficulties to achieve business sustainability. This research is carried out in three stages. The first stage surveyed both the on-site and off-site employees of the case company as well as members of the existing residence service committee on the usage of various mobile applications (APPs) provided by the company to serve the community to evaluate whether they enhance service level or increases value. In the second stage, we conducted five forces analysis and SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Threat) analysis for the company to better understand the current competitiveness of the industry, the potential threats for the service providers, and the bargaining power of suppliers and customers and evaluate the company′s advantages and disadvantages for competing in the market. In the third stage, based on SWOT analysis and research knowing internal strengths and weaknesses of the case company, and the external opportunities and threats it faced, we formulate business strategies to overcome the company’s weaknesses and shortcomings to achieve sustainable operation. The business strategies based on our researches include: (1) build cross-industry alliance and cooperation, such as cooperation with long-term nursing institutions; (2) brand differentiation against the competition; (3) improve employee benefits and strengthen employee education and training; (4) strengthen supply chain partnership to reduce costs; (5) recruit information intelligence talents to integrate technology products and improve system capabilities; (6) evaluate the feasibility and benefits of entering the leasing and property management services carefully. In sum, this thesis aims at the company’s performance improvement, business sustainability, and technology and smart products integration for comprehensive service platform development, providing value added services for customers, and creating a new community service ecosystem. |