在當今因低生育率造成老齡化已成為為目前的社會現象,老齡化越趨嚴重造成勞動參與力嚴重下降已成社會現象。中高齡的員工是企業重要的人力資本,但台灣中高齡的工作人口的勞動參與率仍然很低。這項研究的主要動機是如何讓這些中高齡的員工能提高繼續留任的動機,能與他們公司一起成長與服務。 本研究的目的是為了找出在台灣的傳統製造企業,是否能提供一個友善於「高年級生」的就業環境與管理措施,成為中高齡及高齡者穩定就業、續留職場的重要關鍵。並按管制措施內容的目的分類,將台灣傳統的製造業相關的中高齡人力管理措施進行研究,以作為未來推動中高齡的員工管理有比較完整的參考模式。 因此,針對台灣中高齡工作人口比例最高的製造業,研究對象為公司的企業主或人力資源主管,採取了質性訪談調查方式,以期更深入的探討與研究。 本研究之分析方式採歸納法,將訪談中歸納出十八項適用中高齡的員工人力資源管理措施,分為(1) 確保中高齡員工的職涯發展性(2) 維持中高齡員工個人的工作能力(3) 調整中高齡員工的工作環境與型態(4) 提供中高齡員工友善的職場支持等四大類。本研究彙整結果的目的是為了最適用於臺灣傳統的製造業之適用中高齡的員工人力資源管理措施。;As the population is aging, the proportion of middle-aged and aged workers in the labor market is getting higher and higher. So, how to manage middle-aged and aged workers well becomes an important issue. The purpose of this study is to identify human resource management practices for middle-aged and aged workers which belong to Taiwanese companies, then divide them into different bundles. This study got the data by qualitative research through semi-structured interviews, and analyzed it on inductive analysis method. The outcome of this study include eighteen human resource management practices for middle-aged and aged workers, and divide them into four bundles. They are “ to ensure career continuity ”, “ to rich personal ability”, “ to change the work pattern”, and “ to rovide a friendly working environment”. The results of this study are different from previous studies, but it’s believed that will be a useful model for the industries in Taiwan