建築物內外的空氣交換可帶入室外的新鮮空氣,稀釋掉室內的空氣污染物,改善室內的空氣品質。台灣濕熱的氣候狀況,使得許多建築物過度地使用冷氣空調來維持建築物室內環境的舒適性,而耗損大量的電力。台灣的綠建築評估手冊未考慮室外風速、風向對自然通風量的影響,僅利用建築物的開窗面積計算自然通風潛力VP以及由VP估算之節能效益Vac。而建築物節能技術規範僅利用經驗式估算建築物外殼的耗能,無法預測不同狀況下(自然通風量、室外氣溫、太陽輻射量、室內電器設備的熱增量),建築物內部氣溫和熱舒適度,亦無法正確計算自然通風可節約之空調耗能計算考量。本研究利用建築物能源模式EnergyPlus預測建築物內的氣溫變化,模擬之室內氣溫將與中央大學白色節能屋實測結果比對。並探討不同室外風速、風向、氣溫、太陽輻射、室內熱得量之下的室內氣溫和冷房度時,進而評估住宅建築物在台北、台中、台南、高雄、花蓮等地一整年自然通風量和節能效益。研究結果發現自然通風量愈高,室內氣溫可因引進室外空氣而降低,不舒適時數及冷房度時愈低,亦即節能效益正比於自然通風量。當建築屋門窗開口位置正對當地盛行風向時,自然通風量大,台灣各地最佳節能效率介於17%~27%。但外牆漆成白色的建築物相較於灰牆建築物的節能效益可達44%,優於自然通風的最佳節能效率。;The hot and humid climate in Taiwan render buildings heavily rely on air conditioners to create comfortable indoor conditions. The natural ventilation of buildings can improve indoor thermal comfort by bring in fresh cool air from outdoor. Taiwan’s Green Architecture Manual and the Energy Saving Code for Buildings suggest formula to compute the natural ventilation potential (VP) and energy saving rate (Eac), based on the opening areas of the building, disregard of the wind speed, wind direction, and local temperature. This study uses a building energy model EnergyPlus to examine to the effect of natural ventilation on the indoor temperature of residential buildings in Taiwan. The simulation results demonstrate that when the external openings are normal to the prevailing wind direction, the natural ventilation rate could reach the maximum value and significantly reduce the thermal discomfort hour (TDH) and cooling degree hour (CDH) of the buildings. The best energy saving efficiency of natural ventilation for residential buildings in different cities of Taiwan is between 16%~27%. However, the energy saving efficiency can reach 44% for building with white covering.