自兩次工業革命以來,各國的能源使用早年幾乎均以燃煤發電為主,此發電方式對 環境的衝擊,在過去幾十年受到各國廣泛重視。由於火力發電之燃燒過程將帶來許多其 他副產物(飛灰、底灰、二氧化碳、氮氧化物、硫氧化物及粒狀物等),對環境產生諸多 影響,所以火力發電廠常設置許多環保設備、配套子系統以控制汙染物排放。鑒於已有 研究提出顆粒床過濾器結合靜電集塵之研究,以提升整體對小粒徑的去除效率,本研究 建立在前人開發之顆粒床過濾器的基礎上,參考陶瓷過濾器過濾效能之研究,提出一種 以顆粒床過濾器與陶瓷過濾器串接而成的複合式過濾系統,並將其應用於去除PM2.5。 本研究進行了整體系統於不同溫度下、不同濾材質量流率之實驗,得出常溫、高溫 下對相同濃度含塵氣體之過濾結果;並且討論對不同大小顆粒之分級過濾效率,亦與過 濾機制實驗結果顯示常溫下系統能以99.85%之過濾效率將氣體處理至平均粒徑1.15 μm, 600°C 下能以95.47%之過濾效率將氣體處理至平均粒徑2.43 μm;經過綜合比對可得出 此複合式過濾系統對含塵氣體之處理效能為:將濃度為12000 ppmw 且平均粒徑53.52 μm 的含塵氣體,以大於95.47%之過濾效率處理至PM2.5 等級。;The demand in energy consumption has grown significantly since the Industrial Revolution. The major source for power generation has mainly based on coal, and will likely to remain the domination in the foreseeable future because of its economical attractiveness. However, the environmental impact of the product in flue gas has attracted more and more attention. Power companies are starting to apply pollution-controlling subsystems in order to reach environment requirements. Regarding some research studying a different kind of granular bed filter, combined with electrostatic enhancement to improve collection efficiency of fine particles, this research considers a similar approach. By introducing a second-stage filter (Candle Filter) connecting with the current granular bed filter, a compound filtration system is developed. The system is aimed to improve the collection efficiency of PM2.5 particulates under various conditions, which is considered as a shortage of granular bed filters. By experiment approach, this research studies the filtration results of the compound system under different parameters, such as experiment temperature, mass flow rate of the filter media, etc. The mechanism by which the particulates be removed has also been discussed. The experiment results show a 95.47% collection efficiency for a dust flow with a concentration of 12000 ppmw, lowering the mean diameter of the particulate from 53.52 μm to PM2.5.