隨著科技的日新月異以及全球局勢的不確定性,例如:疫情爆發、政局不穩等因素,跨文化工作不再侷限於實際外派,常駐在同一據點但不做國際遷徙,憑藉著電話、電郵及網路等等的科技軟、硬體,去做跨文化工作的族群日益增多。本研究以台灣某跨國企業常駐在母公司的員工為對象,進行結構性問卷線上調查作業。並採實證方式進行分析,個案對象線上問卷回收量共205份,扣除無效問卷後,個案對象有效問卷共203份。 研究結果發現: (一)跨文化工作經驗數量及時間長短對團隊合作能力之領導能力、決策能力、人際交往能力、適應能力、溝通能力具有正向關係;也就是跨文化工作經驗數量及時間長短的程度越高,則其團隊合作能力之領導能力、決策能力、人際交往能力、適應能力、溝通能力越高。(二)文化智商會調節跨文化工作經驗數量與團隊合作能力之協調能力、決策能力、人際交往能力、適應能力、溝通能力間的關係,也就是當文化智商越高時,跨文化工作經驗數量與團隊合作能力之協調能力、決策能力、人際交往能力、適應能力、溝通能力間的正向關係越強;文化智商會調節跨文化工作經驗時間長短與團隊合作能力之協調能力、決策能力、人際交往能力、溝通能力間的關係,也就是當文化智商越高時,跨文化工作經驗數量與團隊合作能力之協調能力、決策能力、人際交往能力、溝通能力間的正向關係越強。 ;With the fast-paced development of technology and the uncertainties of global situations, such as the outbreak of the pandemic and political instability, cross-cultural jobs are no longer limited to expatriation. Rather, the number of the people who permanently stay in the same location and do cross-cultural jobs with software and hardware technology, such as telephones, emails, and the Internet, has gradually increased. The subjects of this research were the employees who permanently stay in Taiwan while working for the parent company of one multinational corporation. A structured questionnaire was conducted online, and an empirical approach was employed for the analysis. A total of 205 questionnaires were returned; after deducting the invalid questionnaires, the total number of effective questionnaires was 203. The findings of this research are as follows. First, the amount and length of cross-cultural work experiences have a positive correlation to teamwork skills, such as leadership, decision-making, interpersonal skills, adaptability, and communication skills. Those who have more cross-cultural work experience in terms of the number and length of jobs demonstrate higher teamwork skills. Second, cultural quotient can regulate the correlation between the amount and length of cross-cultural work experiences and the level of teamwork skills. When cultural quotient is higher, there is a stronger positive correlation between the amount and length of cross-cultural work experiences and the level of teamwork skills.