摘要: | 探究師資生素養導向課程之設計能力與改變 Investigating Pre-Service Teachers’ Competence-based Curriculum Design Ability and Transformation
中文摘要 21世紀因為網路與科技的發展,快速變動的社會對於未來人才的需求已經與過往不相同,許多能力是現代人才不可或缺的,例如溝通能力、合作共創能力等。近年來世界各國陸續推出新課綱,台灣也在108年正式推行素養導向課程綱要,推崇真實的學習。然而教育改革成功的重要推手之一是教師,教師需具備相應的課程設計能力才能夠將這樣的理想付諸實現。在師資培育方面,首先需要了解師資生的素養導向課程設計能力為何,才能規劃適宜的師資課程,發揮師資培育的最大效果。 本研究聚焦了解師資生的素養導向課程設計能力,並呈現師資生在經歷教學法訓練後課程設計能力之改變為何。本研究之研究對象是一國立大學師資課程「教學原理」兩學期修課的師資生,共六十七名,其在修習教學原理前課程設計相關經驗甚少,更是不清楚素養導向課程如何做。研究者欲了解師資生的素養導向課程設計能力為何,以三個 研究問題引導探究:一、師資生於學期初設計之素養導向課程教案設計呈現哪些趨勢?考慮哪些重點?二、師資生於學期末撰寫的修改報告做了哪些改變?考量哪些重點?三、造成前後設計差異的原因為何? 研究者兩個學期皆全程參與教學原理,研究資料包含師資生於教學原理學期初設計之素養課程教案、學期末教案修改報告、學習歷程自述、整個學期田野資料等,並以質性個案方法(Stake,1995)分析資料。 研究結果顯示,師資生在學期初設計教案時主要有三項設計趨勢,一、較不清楚如何培養素養學習目標,二、設計時單純以教師角度設計教案而無法站在學生角度思考學生的學習經驗,三、學習評量體現學科精熟導向教學的習慣,重視標準答案而不是重視素養目標。 而在經過一學期教學原理課程的訓練後,師資生的設計主要有四項改變,一、較能夠針對學習目標設計課程活動,二、較能夠站在學生角度設想學生的思考與互動樣態,進而設計相對應措施,三、較清楚教師與學生的角色與責任,四、較能針對素養學習目標設計學習評量」。以上之改變主要原因有一、教學原理中師資生實際設計與體驗教學演示,並透過反省提升教學能力,二、教學原理課堂中一心二用的練習,三、教學原理授課教師示範與引導如何思考素養導向課程,四、師資生與小組以及其他同儕的互動帶來學習觀的轉變。 根據本研究的結果與發現,研究者希望能初步建立師資生專業成長的理論基礎,也能提供師資培育機構研擬師培課程時的參考依據,另外也能提供師資培育相關法規研擬時的參考依據。
;Investigating Pre-Service Teachers’ Competence-based Curriculum Design Ability and Transformation
Abstract 21st century demands various competencies, such as communication, collaboration, and argumentation skills. This so-called ‘‘21st century competencies (literacies)’’ has become the educational aims of many developed countries. In 2019, the education in Taiwan also shifted its aim towards a competence-based education. However, the success of every educational reform depends heavily on the teachers’ ability. In this research, the researcher seeks to understand pre-service teachers’ competence-based curriculum design ability. Once we learn how pre-service teachers design such curriculum, we know how to train pre-service teachers’ into qualified teachers. This qualitative case study investigates pre-service teachers’ competence-based curriculum design ability, the researcher chooses 67 pre-service teachers from two semesters of a pre-service class(‘‘Introduction to Principles of Teaching and Learning’’)as research participants. The participants are novice curriculum designers, they would design a competence-based curriculum plan early in the semester, and after weeks of training, they would read their curriculum plan again, and proposes adjustments later in the semester. The researcher specifically seeks to answer three research questions: (1) How would the pre-service teachers design the competence-based curriculum plan early in the semester? (2) How would the pre-service teachers adjust the curriculum plan later in the semester? (3) What are the reasons behind the design differences? The results show that the pre-service teachers are unfamiliar with competence-based curriculum, and they design competence-based curriculum mostly from teacher’s perspective without considering learners’ learning experiences. Also, they don’t know how to assess competence-based learning. After a semester of training in ‘‘Introduction to Principles of Teaching and Learning’’, the pre-service teachers can do better at designing competence-based curriculum. The reasons behind their change are highly related to design of the class, the reasons include (1) authentic learning, (2) the role-playing practice, (3) the professor’s modeling and guidance, and (4) social interaction and narratives. The results suggest that pre-service teachers need to have authentic understanding of competence-based learning, and that their competence-based curriculum design ability can be fostered in authentic learning pre-service courses. The researcher concludes with suggestions for future investigations.
Keywords: Competence-based curriculum, Curriculum design ability, Pre-service teacher education, Qualitative case study |