摘要: | 根據經濟部投審會的統計資料,截至2011年止,對大陸的投資金額已達143.76億美元,約有4萬家以上台商企業在中國大陸,牽動台灣金融業者國際化布局關鍵。2010年台資銀行西進大陸,2014年起台資銀行陸續符合法令開辦人民幣業務,瞬間,成立分行的資本金很快用磬,全數投入放款業務,巧婦難為無米之炊,如何籌措人民幣資金就是各家台資銀行面臨的問題,能否有充足的人民幣來源,嚴重影響其開展市場能力。 立法院預算中心報告中指出,我國銀行業者大陸分行,當地籌資能力差,主要資金來源都是資本金及母行拆借資金,其中部分大陸分行甚至高度依賴母行拆借資金支應,超過4成以上有5家銀行。 T銀行在華分行開辦人民幣業務不滿一年即遇到資金缺口困難,因管理行設立據點在上海,各地分行監管報表都需符合上海監管要求,該地區為外資銀行聚集地,監管相對嚴格,為尋求符合當地法令監管要求且成本便宜的資金來源。藉由本研究擬訂解決方案,內部逐一評估檢視比較,進而選定最適可行方案,對最適方案進行可行性分析同時付諸實行,最後檢視執行結果。 分行2019年1月本外幣資本金轉換後,調整資人民幣資金來源比重, 2019年人民幣利差益較2018年增加約53bps (基點,basis point,bp,1bp=0.01%)。執行結果符合預期,資金成本降低,營收增加。;According to the Investment Review Committee of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, as of 2011, there were more than 40,000 Taiwanese companies in mainland China, with a total investment exceeding 14.376 billion US dollars. This can result in a significant impact on the Taiwanese international financial industry. In 2010, Taiwan-funded banks started to operate in the mainland. Since 2014, Taiwan-funded banks, in compliance with the laws and regulations in China, started to run Reminbi (RMB) business there. However, RMB capital depleted very quickly, it′s impossible to make something out of nothing, unless more RMB capital are pumped in. The RMB funding gap became an issue for every Taiwan-funded bank. The RMB funding gap had seriously impacted their development in the expanding market. A report published by the Budget Center of the Legislative Yuan indicated that the abilities of the Taiwan-funded banks in China performed very poorly in local fund-raising. Apart from initial capital, they mostly relied on parent bank borrowing, where many of them borrow over 40% of the required funds. Bank T ’s Chinese branch has been running a RMB business for less than a year, until it encountered difficulties in RMB funding gaps. Since its Chinese operation is based in Shanghai, it must comply with local supervision and requirements. Shanghai, being a financial hub for foreign banks, has the most stringent regulations in Chana. This study attempts to formulate a solution to tackle the problem under these conditions. The core of the proposal is to file for a change in the proportion of RMB funds within the initial invested capital. The proposal was accepted, and initial implementation resulted in an increased RMB profit of about 53bps in 2019 compared with 2018. |