研究結果顯示,當土壤未達液化時,地盤加速度有放大趨勢,隨著建築物越高加速度放大效應越明顯;但當土壤達液化狀態時,液化土層能有效阻隔震波向上傳遞,對於建築物有明顯地減震效應;施加震動強度越大,液化土層深度越深,超額孔隙水壓消散所需時間也越長久;在自由土層中,大部分沉陷主要由震動期間而發生;建築物沉陷由震動過程土壤受剪力作用而引致變形與超額孔隙水壓消散後土壤再壓密;基礎版之總應力歷時發現於受震初期,基礎版一端受壓時另一端受拉,底版總應力隨著建築物沉陷而持續累加。 ;A series of centrifuge tests were performance to investigate the settlement and seismic behavior of building on liquefiable ground with different types of foundation. The test were carried out by using NCU centrifuge and shaking table under 65g centrifuge acceleration field with liminar container. During the test, accelerometers, pore pressure transducers, linear variable differential transformers (LVDT) and laser displacement sensor were embedded in the soil layer to monitor the seismic response of soil deposit. The centrifuge experiments were conducted to evaluate the liquefaction-induced and post-liquefaction settlement of shallow foundations.
According to the test results, the following conclusions are made : When the soil does not liquefy, the acceleration is amplified significantly from the base of soil stratum to the top of structure. In liquefiable ground, liquefied layer will isolate the vibration that propagate to the buildings. The liquefied depth of sand layer increases with the increasing of input. In the free-field ground, most of the settlement occurred due to volumetric-induced deformations; In contrast, foundation settlement occurred due to shear-induced deformations and excess pore water pressure dissipate.