本研究計畫旨在於精進山區集水區土砂災害類型調查判釋, 以及集水區土砂運動之現地監測,本研究在集水區土砂災害類型調查及分析方面,係以高精度數值地形為基礎,配合無人載具(UAV)進行地貌分析及數值地形資料建置,並且經由現地調查、地文因子特性瞭解集水區域於高強度降雨下誘發邊坡破壞及導致土石流溪流之特性,並且進行災害區域劃分與分類。在現地監測方面,本研究延續前期(2006-2019)年研究計劃在火炎山之土石流監測系統,以精進現地土石流監測技術,另與子計畫4,5結合,在現有水保局神木村監測系統之運作基礎上,增加對於愛玉子溪坡面崩塌與溪床土沙運動訊號之次聲、地聲及縮時攝影監測,以收集完整之土砂運移資料。本子計畫研究成果經群體總計畫整合其他子計畫,可提供極端降雨情境下,坡地集水區可能面臨之土砂災害類型與衝擊範圍,以強化政府部門於汛期之預判能力及避災成效,保障聚落居民生命財產安全。 ;The processes and affected area of rainfall-induced mass movements and debris flows are explored in this three-year-span project by employing both field monitoring and morphometric analysis of the watershed. The initiation, transport and deposition processes of massive landslides and debris flows in Shenmu watershed, Nantou county will be examined based on the on-site monitoring system with geophone sensors, rain gage and CCDs. The field reconnaissance and case studies of the watershed will be deployed. The geomorphic parameters controlling landslides and debris flows will be examined based on case studies. Throughout the integration of five inter-related projects, the mechanism and the processes of rainfall-induced mass movements can be validated by the on-site monitoring system as well as the watershed landscape evolution. The result of this study will be beneficial for the further understanding of slope movements and debris flows and the impact on the consequent affected area.