無線網路佈建的完整性,除了建置基地台來增加涵蓋率服務更多的使用者外。基地台建設的前置規劃及啟用後軟硬體的設定也深深影響到訊號的品質。本論文的內容主要針對Wideband Code Division Multiple Access(WCDMA) 第三代行動電話網路設計的優質化,並研究在高速移動下以調整基地台的設定來提升訊號的穩定度,維持良好的通話品質。 本論文內容主要分為五個章節: 第一章為概述及研究動機; 第二章則介紹WCDMA網路的基本架構及資源控管; 第三章為介紹WCDMA站台的硬體,頻道配置及細胞選擇。第四章主要介紹基地台的優化方法及研究高速移動時考慮都卜勒效應(Doppler Effect)來調整基地台以達到優化目的。第五章則為結論。 網路會因時因地而變的,所以網路優化的工作是無止盡的必需時時投入心力。也是工程人員努力的目標。 In radio network, besides build new sites to improve cell coverage to offer more service, the site design and pre-tuning of Radio Base Station (RBS) will effected network’s performance deeply. In this book, we focus on Wideband Code Division Multiple Access (WCDMA) network’s optimization, and research better solution to decrease drop call rate on high speed objects to keep stable signal level and quality. There are 5 chapters in this book. The chapter 1 is introduction research objective. The chapter 2 described the network structure of WCDMA, and mention about radio resource control. The chapter 3 introduced WCDMA network’s hardware, channel mapping, cell selection and reselection. The chapter 4 is focus on radio access network (RAN) tuning. And mention about in high speed object how we adjusted site’s hardware and parameter to avoid frequency shift (Doppler Effect).