半導體產業正處於快速發展的階段,在其製程對裝填藥水之化學桶包材的強度要求愈來愈嚴苛時,若能因應其需求,快速開發安全可靠之化學桶,就愈有機會佔得先機,並在製造成本上有一定的優勢。 研究案例在過往化學桶製造生產上,仍偏向於依靠經驗進行生產,且就影響產品強度的品質特性,採獨立的方式來控制,難免有顧此失彼的狀況產生,並未使用數學模型就多目標來找出顯著製程控制因子,往往無法確實的控制及找出可最大化滿足各不同重要特性的生產參數。 本研究期望透過單一目標迴歸分析,找出各個重要品質特性的顯著影響因子,對照目前已知經驗之間的差異,另外透過權重法將多目標轉為單一目標進行迴歸,對照單一目標迴歸狀況下求得之顯著因子差異進行比較,發現依此方法,可以得到簡單有效之參數設計參考。 ;The semiconductor industry is in a stage of rapid development. As its manufacturing process has more and more stringent requirements for the strength of the chemical, if the development stage can be speed up, to develop the safety and reliability drums upon the requirements, this will take advantage on production costs and earn the market share. In the past, the company of study case still rely on experience to produce drums, and the quality characteristics that affect the strength of the product are controlled in an independent way. It is inevitable that there will be a situation where one loses the other. The mathematical model is not used to satisfy multiple objectives, to find significant process control factors. It is impossible to control and find optimized production parameters that can maximize the satisfaction of various key parameters. This research hopes to find the significant factors of important parameters through regression analysis, and compare the differences between currently known factors, and use the weighting method to convert multiple objectives into a single objective for regression. The significant factor differences obtained are compared, and shows that the method used can be a simple and effective approach for parameter design on drums.