題名: | 東林學派思想研究:以顧憲成、高攀龍、錢一本、孫慎行為論述中心;A Study on the Thoughts of the Donglin School—A Discourse Centering on the Scholarship of Gu Xiancheng, Gao Panlong, Qian Yiben, and Sun Shenxing |
作者: | 鄭志健;Zheng, Zhi-Jian |
貢獻者: | 中國文學系 |
關鍵詞: | 東林;顧憲成;高攀龍;錢一本;孫慎行;無善無惡;氣質之性;中和;慎獨 |
日期: | 2020-08-17 |
上傳時間: | 2020-09-02 15:01:10 (UTC+8) |
出版者: | 國立中央大學 |
摘要: | 本論文主要研究晚明東林學派四位學者—顧憲成、高攀龍、錢一本、孫慎行的思想。過往針對東林學派的論述大多集中在顧憲成、高攀龍兩人的思想上,對於東林其他學者則較少提及。即便有,通常也只針對黃宗羲《明儒學案》所擷取的資料做重點式的分析。本文將研究範圍擴大到錢一本與孫慎行兩人的思想上,希望透過此四位學者思想的深入分析,可以對東林學派的思想特色做出更細緻的描繪。 論文的架構除了緒論與結論之外,主要分為四個部分:首先對東林學派的範圍與定義做簡要的界定,接著論述東林書院成立的宗旨,並探討東林四位學者與王學的關係,以呈顯出東林學者的思想在朱子學與陽明學之間的取捨,以及他們矯正晚明王學流弊的企圖心。 第二部分論述的焦點則集中在四位學者的人性論上,在探討他們如何反對「無善無惡」說之後,接著闡述他們對「性善」的看法,最後則分析他們對「氣質之性」的類似見解與差異性。第三部分在分析他們的理氣論與天道論之後,緊接著將討論的重點轉向四位學者對「心」這一概念的不同理解之上,並指出他們對「心」不同的認知,某種程度也是他們理氣論差異的延伸。在此基礎上,本文進一步分析他們的「中和」觀點,除了呈顯出他們思想在程朱學與陽明學游移不定的特性,也為本論文第四部份—工夫論的探討建立一理論基礎。在工夫論的討論中,除了指出他們對於本體與工夫、修與悟並重的為學態度,主要重點則置於他們對於「慎獨」這一概念的看法之上,除了更進一步闡明他們對於本體與工夫的見解,也藉此帶出他們各自的思想特色。 ;This thesis focuses mainly on the thoughts of four scholars from Donglin School in the late Ming Dynasty: Gu Xiancheng, Gao Panlong, Qian Yiben, and Sun Shenxing. Rather than other scholars from the Donglin School, previous research put most attention on the thoughts of Gu Xiancheng and Gao Panlong. Sometimes, the texts extracted in the Ming ru xue an by Huang Zongxi are selectively studied, if any. This thesis expands the research scope to include the thoughts of Qian Yiben and Sun Shenxing. Through an in-depth analysis of the four scholars, this thesis presents the features of the thoughts of Donglin School in a more comprehensive way. In addition to the Introduction and the Conclusion, this thesis can be generally divided into four main sections. In the first section, the scope and definition of “Donglin School” are determined. The goals of establishing the Donglin Academy are then delineated. What is more, the connection between the four Donglin scholars and Wang xue are explored. Thus the choices made by the Donglin scholars between Zhu zi xue and Yang ming xue are demonstrated; the scholars’ attempts at correcting the flaws of the Wang xue in late Ming Dynasty are also presented. The second section focuses on the four scholars’ discourses on human nature, starting by exploring how they rejected the theory of Wu shan wu e , elaborating their opinions on Xin shan , and then analyzing the similarities as well as differences in the views they took about Qi zhi zhi sing . In the third section, the four scholars’ Li-qi theories and way-of heaven theories are analyzed, followed by a discussion on their varied understanding of Xin 心, which is considered to be a certain demonstration of the differences existing in their Li-qi theories. Based on the perspective above, this thesis further analyzes the four scholars’ views about Zhong he , presenting how they have been unsettled between Cheng zhu xue and Yang ming xue and also providing a theoretical foundation for the fourth section of this thesis— the ways to practice. The main topic of the fourth section is the four scholars’ opinions on the concept of Shen du , aside from their attitude toward learning, which emphasizes equally Ben ti and Gong fu as well as cultivation and enlightenment. In the fourth section, there is an elaboration of the scholars’ views on Ben ti and Gong fu, which reflects the features of their thoughts. |
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