工程品質管理為營建工程專案的重要目標之一,而工程品質的優劣取決於該專案中業主需求與各項規範要求被滿足的程度。目前國內的營建工程有許多的法令及規範要求工程的品質,像是三級品管制度、政府採購法等。當專案的進度延遲和預算超支,其中一個因素就是重工(Rework)。重工為品質失敗中其一之問題。重工的產生涵蓋了許多層面,不管是工期還是成本層面,甚至是廠商之資格,因此透過找到重工發生之原因,再擬定減少重工發生之方法,進而能降低重工的發生及減少重工對專案進度及成本的影響。目前國外已有文獻清楚分析造成營建工程重工的原因,但國內對重工原因仍沒有系統的探討與釐清,故本研究採用文獻回顧法、專家訪談法確定重工原因及專案特性與重工成本之關係,其目的是確定國內營建工程主要之重工原因、瞭解實務上減少重工發生之方法,以及專案特性(專案類型、發包型態、招標類型、決標方式、契約類型)與重工成本之間關係之初步探討,進一步強調減少重工發生的重要性。工程專案人員可藉由本研究之成果於專案開始前先將其可能會於工程中發生之重工採取預防措施,避免不必要之情形發生,同時能降低重工的發生率並減少重工對專案進度及成本的影響。;Construction quality management is one of the important goals in the construction industry, and the quality of the project depends on the extent to which the owner′s needs and various specifications requirements are met in the project or not. At present, many laws and regulations for Taiwan′s construction projects stipulate the quality of the project, such as three-level quality management system and Government Procurement Act. Rework is one of the factors for project delay and budget overrun. The occurrence of rework involves many aspects, such as construction period, cost, or even the qualification of the contractor. Therefore, determining the causes of rework and then formulating the methods of reducing rework can reduce the occurrence of rework and reduce the impact of rework on the project schedule and cost. At present, there are already literatures in foreign countries that clearly analyze the rework causes of construction projects. However, there is still no systematic discussion on and analysis of rework causes in Taiwan. This research aims at determining rework causes and preliminarily identifying the relationship between project characteristics and rework costs by using literature review and domain expert interview. This research also aims to understand the ways in which rework can be reduced in practice. Construction project personnel can take precautionary measures before the start of the project according to the results of this research to avoid unnecessary rework situations, reduce the incidence of rework and reduce the impact of rework on project schedule and cost.