隨著工程專案日漸複雜與龐大,控管專案越來越不容易。時程人員大多使用要徑法規劃時程與分析,甚少在開工後持續更新時程網圖,繼而獲得更新後時程資訊,故將無法辨識要徑轉換與浮時消耗,失去原有進度管控及預警的功能。而當專案管理不佳,可能導致工程無法在履約期限內完成,進而造成契約雙方間的糾紛,雖然現在有許多方法可以分析遲延責任歸屬與分配,但這些分析方法複雜,且需分析人員耗費時間人工分析與判斷。縱使市面上已有數個專案管理軟體協助專案人員規劃與管理時程,亦無法全面地解決專案管理與遲延於實務中計算時的困擾。故本研究針對浮時計算與遲延分析,建立兩個附加於排程軟體的自動化計算的工具,以解決上述問題。為達成上述之目的,本研究首先回顧浮時定義與時程遲延分析方法,再提出浮時分析流程,並分別開發自動化程式,最後透過假設案例驗證系統的正確性。透過這兩項工具能省略繁瑣的手動計算流程,亦減少其分析時間,並藉此避免因專案的複雜性而可能計算錯誤的問題,且程序產出之分析報表更可以供管理人員有效地控管專案進度或契約雙方商討其遲延責任歸屬分配。期望本研究提出之工具能使管理人員更加善用時程網圖,並使其帶來之效益最大化,同時提升國內時程管理與遲延爭議處理之水準。;As the complexity and scale of construction projects are increased, to manage them with good performances is not an easy work gradually. Most schedulers perform scheduling works by critical path method. However, in Taiwan, they rarely update schedule continuely during construction stage to obtain updated schedule information. In such a way, it is impossible to identify whether the critical path(s) is changed and activity’s floats is comsumed, as well as lacking of the function of a schedule for schedule control and early warning. When the performance of project schedule management is bad, it usually results in completing a project later than contract due date and furthermore having disputes between contract paties. Although there are many schedule delay analysis and liability allocation methods, they common require intensive resources and time to complete analysis works manually. Even several project management software (PMS) provide many functions for planning and controlling schedules, they cannot help scheduler solving the problems in schedule management and schedule delay analysis in practice. Therefore, this study develops two automated calculation functions embedded in PMS for the floats and delay analysis. For achieving above research objective, this study first reviews floats definition and delay analysis methods in the literature and PMSs, clarifies the correct float calculation approaches and then develops two independent programs. This study has verified the correctness of developed programs that can be used to help schedulers doing their works without tedious manual calculations and errors, but with shortened calculation time and improved performance. The outcomes by the developed programs offers schedulers to control their schedules more effective and to allocate the responsibility of schedule delays easier. Hopefully, the research outcomes provide a tool for schedulers to make better use of schedules, and further improve the performance of schedule management and delay resolution in Taiwan.