傾斜的緩坡地層若為具液化潛能的砂質土壤,地震發生時便容易液化造成側向滑移現象,若能更加瞭解基盤輸入加速度方向跟緩坡坡向間在液化時的影響範圍,將有助於在可能液化地盤之側向滑移的評估能力,同時也可減少地震引致之土壤液化的相關複合災害,有利基礎設計之安全性評估。 因此,本研究進行離心模型試驗於26g的離心重力場中,模擬現場五度緩坡飽和地盤(中心土層厚度4 m,目標相對密度65%),探討固定之振動方向下,土壤液化對不同坡向所產生變形破壞的程度影響。利用固壁式試驗箱製作緩坡土層模型,進行四組試驗,其條件為基盤震動之加速度負方向與坡向間的夾角,分別為0度、45度、90度與180度,控制土層在相似單位重的情況下,輸入相同基盤震動,藉由加速度計、孔隙水壓計、地表標記點與地中位移計,了解試體受到震動時的動態反應與變形行為,如剪力波的傳遞、水壓激發及消散的行為、緩坡地表及不同深度的位移變化。 試驗結果顯示, (1) 加速度正方向與坡向相反的土層,沿深度所發生的最大側向變形,約為土層厚度的0.08倍,於地表所發生的最大位移約為緩坡斜邊距的0.02倍。(2) 加速度正方向與坡向相同的土層,沿深度所發生的最大側向變形,約為該土層厚度的0.13倍,於地表所發生的最大位移約為緩坡斜邊距的0.22倍。(3) 加速度正方向與坡向相交的土層,試驗D90沿深度所發生的最大側向變形,約為該土層厚度的0.11倍,於地表所發生的最大位移約為緩坡斜邊距的0.38倍。(4) 加速度正方向與坡向相交45度角的土層,試驗D45沿深度所發生的最大側向變形,約為該土層厚度的0.27倍,於地表所發生的最大位移約為緩坡斜邊距的0.62倍。(5) 相同振動方向下,土壤液化對不同坡向所產生變形破壞的程度影響,綜觀各組結果,土壤液化對45度坡向所產生變形破壞最巨。 ;Lateral spreading often occurs in a liquefiable gentle slope subjected to a seismic loading. From the past studies, the relationship between shaking direction and slope dip direction will affect the seismic response and lateral deformation of soil stratum. Therefore, this study is aimed at the interaction of shaking direction and slope dip on lateral spreading by using geotechnical centrifuge shaking table tests. The results will contribute to enhancing the ability of lateral spreading phenomenon assessment. In this study, 4 centrifuge modeling tests were conducted to simulate the seismic behavior of sandy ground subjecting to base shaking at 26 g acceleration field to simulate the interaction of shaking direction and slope dip on lateral spreading. During the test, accelerometers and pore water pressure transducers are used to monitor the seismic response of soil deposit including the shear wave propagation, pore water pressure generation and dissipation, movement of ground surface markers and the deformation of soil deposit along depth.