隨著環保意識的提升,人們越來越重視空氣汙染的議題。空氣汙染不僅對環境造成許多負面的影響,也對人體造成很大的威脅。但過去文獻大多探討固定源的汙染排放,鮮少以移動源汙染為研究對象。因此,本研究透過凸性無母數最小平方法(CNLS)及隨機半無母數資料包絡法(StoNED),估算2013年台灣本島7個空品區的11種公路運具其汙染物PM2.5和NOx排放的影子價格,並針對3種私人運具(四行程機車、二行程機車、自用汽油小客車)進行探討。結果顯示,四行程機車及二行程機車對於兩種汙染物的影子價格大多相同;自用汽油小客車對於兩種汙染物的影子價格皆較高,政府應著重新的自用汽油小客車技術發展以達到減排效果。未來制定相關移動源汙染排放政策時,可以制定不同的補助方案,優先針對特定區域給予補助或依不同區域給予相對的補助金額來降低不同運具的汙染排放。;With the growing environmental awareness, people become more concerned about the relevant issues of air pollution. Air pollution does not only cause adverse environmental effects, but also cause serious health conditions. However, the majority of research is focused on stationary sources. Not much research has been done on the air pollutant emissions of mobile sources. Thus, this paper applies convex nonparametric least squares (CNLS) and stochastic semi-nonparametric envelopment of data (StoNED) model to study the shadow prices of PM2.5 and NOx for 11 transportation modes in 7 air quality areas of Taiwan in 2013 with aim to find a reference for policy makers to improve our air quality via reducing pollutant emissions of mobile sources. The result show that most range of estimated shadow prices of PM2.5 and NOx with respect to four-stroke scooter and two-stroke scooter are the same. The range of estimated shadow prices of the two pollutants with respect to private gasoline sedan are high meaning that government should pay more attention to develop new technology for private gasoline sedan to reduce pollutant emissions. When dealing with mobile sources pollutant emissions, policy maker can give different subsidies to different areas to develop new technology such as promote electric vehicle to phase out old sedans for improving level of air quality.