在這篇論文中,我們探討單一非線性平衡律的擾動黎曼問題的古典解。此平衡律等價於一個二乘二非線性平衡系統,而且是一個共振的系統。 透過特徵線的方法,我們建立擾動黎曼問題的古典解。經由此古典解的點態極限,我們並獲得對應之黎曼問題的解的自相似性。 In this paper we study the classical solutions to the perturbed Riemann problem of some scalar nonlinear balance law in resonant case. The equation with source term is equivalent to a 2×2 nonlinear balance laws as described in [6, 7], and it is a resonant system due to the fact that the speeds of waves in the solution to this 2×2 system coincide. The characteristic method in [8] is applied to construct the classical solutions of perturbed Riemann problem. Moreover, we show that, the pointwise limit of classical solutions, which are defined as the measurable solutions to the corresponding Riemann problem (with singular source) of perturbed Riemann problem, are self-similar as described in [12].