摘要: | 在國內產業轉型的過程中,工程設計領域的需求也隨著增加。而這個領域 對資電學院學生的要求就不只侷限在一般的工程或科學知識,反而對於要進入 相關領域的學生有更多的能力要求。但在升學主義的桎梏下,學生普遍思考模 式反而逐漸僵化,遇到問題缺乏主動探索,這些現象早已讓教育學者深以為憂。 本計畫將以「課程教學策略發展與評估」以及「學生實作設計行為研究」兩 大主軸,以三年的時間為「巨量資料分析」學程與跨學院「創意與創業」學程之 一系列課程完成教學策略發展與學習成效評估,達到工程教育培養資電跨領域 優秀人才的終極目標。本計畫的研究方法與實施步驟是以「構思、設計、執行和 運作(Conception- Design- Implementation- Operation,簡稱CDIO)工程教育模 式」為理論基礎,以昆士蘭大學的「行動研究循環法(general substantive and methodological framework)」,在子計畫一之課程模組開發完成之後、為子計畫二 之「巨量資料分析」學程與跨學院「創意與創業」學程以及「創意學習」與「無 線網路專題課程」兩門先導課程進行一系列評估,觀察新開發的教學模式對學生 學習成效(Learning outcomes)之影響。另一方面,同時進行「學生實作設計行為 研究」,藉由「攝影觀察測驗」來分析學生在實作過程中的解題策略與學習障礙, 進而提昇學生實作能力。有鑑於國內學生多欠缺解決實務問題的能力,本研究運 用多元評量研究工具,探究新手學生思考與解題歷程,逐步導引學生主動培育實 作型課程所需之各項核心能力。在國際合作方面,本計畫同時結合了國內外學者 專家。其中台灣認證機構「中華工程教育學會」IEET 之副秘書長胡文聰(Andrew M. Wo),現任華盛頓協議(Washington Accord)主席,為本國際合作計畫不可或缺 之重要顧問。目前科技部旗下之歐盟FP 計畫國家聯絡據點移師到中央大學,申 請人希冀奠基於過去參與國際合作經驗,以期與歐盟科技社會建立穩固的研發 合作管道。而與申請人長期合作的金澤工業大學是日本實施Capstone 實作課程 的典範學校,該校每年均獲得產業界(如Honda)的大量經費挹注。因此,本計畫 將與金澤工業大學合作交流,學習如何將該校「學用合一」的人才培育模式融入 國內Capstone 課程實施規劃。 本計畫預期有以下三項重要產出:1) Capstone 課程教學與多元評量方法學之 教師培訓手冊; 2) CDIO 模式之課程設計與學生學習成效之跨國標竿分析; 3) 與 金澤工業大學合作開發中文版與日文版Capstone 課程之學習成效評估系統。本 計畫成果不只可以提供資電學院學程在課程規劃與評量的參考,也可以提供相關 產業界之設計團隊對其成員的瞭解,最終希望能提供國內資電學院人才培育方向 之參考。而透過對問題解決模式的發展、學生從事實作設計的學習障礙以及實作 過程所湧現的研究議題,亦可為本計 畫的評量研究提供重要研究貢獻。 ;Demands for the field of engineering design have increased with the transition of domestic industries. Not only does this field require students of Electrical Engineering to possess general knowledge of engineering or science, for students who wish to join a certain product design team or a related design field, they must also have integrative abilities, creativity, and problem-solving abilities. Bound to the shackles of the examination system, most students are gradually becoming more fixed in their mindsets. They do not take the initiative to research when faced with problems, and gradually lack the ability to be innovative and flexible. Academic scholars have long been deeply worried about these shortcomings. This three-year project has two main goals: the development of learning outcomes evaluation and the assessment methodology for the capstone courses of the College of Electrical & Information teaching. Since the college students lack the abilities to solve real-life problems, this project uses multiple research assessment tools such as interviews, rating scale questionnaires, classroom observations, data from experts' assessment of the learning process, analysis of think-a-loud verbal data, and experiment observations in order to provide a whole picture regarding how students solve problems. This way, a series of learning outcomes will be evaluated and even enhanced throughout the capstones design processes. The methodologies and implementation procedures for this research project are based on the engineering education theory "Conception, Design, Implementation, Operation" (CDIO). Focus groups will be carried out and the University of Queensland's "general substantive and methodological framework" will be applied to complete the development of a course model in sub-project 1, and to complete a teaching practice course in sub-project 2. The learning outcomes of capstone courses will then be evaluated using the four stages of CDIO approach. Meanwhile, empirical research on the hands-on design process of students will be conducted simultaneously via camera observation to investigate problem-solving strategies and learning obstacles that students face. This project also involves international collaboration with scholars and experts from National Central University, Goethe University Frankfurt, Tokyo Institute of Technology, and Kanazawa Institute of Technology. It is worth mentioning that the Deputy Secretary General of the Institute of Engineering Education Taiwan (IEET), Dr. Andrew. M. Wo is the Washington Accord's first non-European, non-American chairman from one of its seventeen founding countries. Hence, Dr. Wo will be an indispensable consultant for this international collaboration project. Currently, the contact point for the Ministry of Science and Technology's European Framework Programme (FP) has relocated to National Central University. The applicant hopes that with their previous experience in international collaborations for the preliminary research of FP 7, an EU plan in research and technical development, they can establish a stable pipeline for research with the EU's technological community. Kanazawa Institute of Technology, a long-term partner for transnational research between Taiwan and Japan, has set the standard for capstone courses in Japan. The institute receives large amounts of funding every year from industries such as Honda. This research project will participate in a transnational exchange with Kanazawa Institute of Technology to incorporate their methods into the planning of capstone courses in Taiwan. The following three items are expected to be produced by the end of this project: 1) A teaching manual for faculty members teaching capstone courses that includes methods for multiple assessment tools; 2) A trans-national benchmarking analysis for courses designed with CDIO approach; 3) The Chinese and Japanese editions for the Learning Outcomes Evaluation System with teaching and assessing capstone courses. This project not only wishes to inspire the research regarding the instructional design and assessment methodology for capstone courses, but also wishes to contribute to the problem solving process and the learning obstacles faced by students within the handon courses. |