過去台灣的工程教育大都以知識的傳播為主,注重理論基礎與學術研究的挑戰,對於實作的 能力的培養,並非首要。資訊領域雖然因快速發展,對於新課程的導入與實作人才的培育較其他 工程領域更為頻繁活躍,然而對於市場需求的了解、與跨領域創新想法的培育較為有限。再者因 為少子化的闗係加上選校不選系策略,許多學生在考上大學後往往欠缺有力的動機,在學習上多 屬被動的跟隨者,這對於國家產業的發展極為不利。如何激發學生的好奇心與創造力,是當前工 程教育必須積極面對的問題。 本計畫為“跨領域資電工程教育融入CDIO 架構與Capstone 實作課程之發展、實施與成效評 估”之子計畫二“跨領域資電工程教育課程實施與應用”。我們預計以“創意與創業學分學程” 以及 “巨量資料分析”兩個學分學程,做為跨領域資電工程教育課程的推動主軸,輔以 “創意學習”以及 “無線網路專題”兩門課程,應用CDIO 課程架構及Capstone 實作,落實(1)需求導向設計、(2)做中 學之課程特色。為提升學生對產業與市場的了解,我們再加上由企管、資工跨領域“雙師”合授課 程,兼顧(3)產品行銷企劃,及(4)跨領域團隊合作的目標。最後在如何激發學生的動機上,我們希 望從關注學生上課情緒,來調整課堂上課的步調,讓學生都能因為主題的吸引而在專注學習。 ;In the past years, knowledge learning has been the major goal of Taiwan′s higher education, which focus on fundamental theory and academic research instead of practical operation. Although the fast development of information and communication technology (ICT) usually introduced more operation techniques and new courses than other engineering education, the students in EECS College still lack the information about the market need and the training on interdisciplinary innovation. Besides, because of low birth rate and “choosing the university policy” in Taiwan, some students do not have strong motivation for learning, which is bad for the development of national industry. How to inspire students’ curiosity and creativity is a problem that current education must face. This 3-year project “Interdisciplinary EECS engineering education curriculum implementation and application” aims to absorb the CDIO concept and applies the theory into classes on the basis of the existing training model. In this first year, we plan to promote two credit programs in NCU: “Creativity and Ventures” as well as “Massive data analysis”. Meanwhile, two courses “Creative Learning” and “Wireless Special Topics” will adopt CDIO and Capstone to implement the idea of (1)Demand-oriented design (2)Learning from doing. In the second year, two professors from department of business management and computer science will lecture a common course “cloud-based product implementation” to guides students from both departments to train (3) product marketing planning, and (4) the objective of interdiscipline teamwork.