近年來,循環經濟的議題在國際間備受重視,我國政府也將循環經濟列為重要的施政目標之一,但我國在循環經濟上遇到的挑戰並不容易處理,尤其我國在過去僅著重在產品的事後處置,並未特別針對產品設計有嚴格規定,此一發展與歐盟有顯著落差。 歐盟目前相當重視循環經濟的發展,其立法執行循環經濟時,將延伸生產者責任 (Extended Producer Responsibility, EPR) 列為其立法的架構核心。EPR 係由 Lindhqvist (1990) 提出,其認為廠商應該對完整的產品週期負責。事實上,產品設計初期廠商就能思考如何設計出該產品該用何種材質製成,即廠商可以思考如何制定最適的產品的可回收率之決策。另一方面,廠商也能思考如何去減少其產品在廢棄時會造成的汙染,即廠商可思考如何制定最適的對環境友善的研發 (Environmental Research and Development, ER&D) 決策。除此之外,產品的耐久程度在產品週期中扮演的角色也不可忽視,故在政府實施 EPR 後,廠商會如何改變其產品耐久程度的決策是值得探究的。 因此,本計畫擬在第一年中探究政府在實施 EPR 政策的情況下,會如何改變廠商的最適產品可回收率以及最適 ER&D 研發決策。在第二年計畫中,本計畫將探究政府實施 EPR 政策會如何改變耐久財廠商在最適產品耐久程度的決策。 ;The notion of a circular economy has attracted attention in recent years. Taiwan’s government also set circular economy as one of their core policy goals, however, there are many problems which are hard to solve in Taiwan. Especially, our policy maker only focuses on the solutions for the end of the product cycle which we called as the stage of waste dumping, but that does not pay attention on the product design which is the beginning of the product cycle. That is, there has a huge difference in the designing of waste dumping policy between Taiwan and European Union (EU). EU considers the development of circular economy seriously, and sets up the extended producer responsibility (EPR) as their core concept of circular economy policy. EPR was first formally introduced in Sweden by Thomas Lindhqvist in the 1990 report to the Swedish Ministry of the Environment. EPR entails making manufacturers responsible for the entire lifecycle of the products and packaging they produce. In fact, the producer can decide what types of product design induce a better environment at the beginning of the product cycle. That is, the producer can decide the optimal product recyclability in the beginning. Moreover, the producer also can consider how to reduce the pollution which caused by their waste of product. That is, the producer can undertake decision of the optimal environmental research and development (ER&D) to reduce the pollutions. In addition, the product durability is also an important issue at the product design stage and the waste dumping stage. Thus, we will also consider the producer’s optimal product durability in the 2-year project. Therefore, this project will investigate how EPR policy affects the producer’s optimal decisions of product recyclability and ER&D in the first year. In the second year, this project will consider how EPR policy affects the producer’s optimal decision of product durability.