慢性肉芽腫是一個罕見的免疫系統遺傳性疾病,但死亡率也高達2%至5%,1989年經實驗證實丙型干擾素能有效降低慢性肉芽腫病患情況,衛生署也在1999年2月將丙型干擾素列為慢性肉芽腫患者的治療藥物。而我們感興趣的是丙型干擾素對於慢性肉芽腫病患復發事件的療效,本篇使用國際肉芽腫組織128個慢性肉芽腫病患的資料,焦點放在多維事件存活時間的三種邊際模型(marginal model:AG、PWP、WLW)與脆弱模型(frailty model)的比較,並探討使用丙型干擾素療程,對於慢性肉芽腫病患復發的次數以及時間的影響。 Chronic Granulomatous Disease (CGD) is a rare inherited disorders of the immune function,but the annual death rate also reaches as high as 2% to 5%. It has been confirmed that the gamma interferon (IFN-r) can reduce the frequency and severity of infections in CGD disease effectively after experiment in 1989. The department of Health in Taiwan has listed gamma interferon as the chronic granuloma patient’s treatment medicine in 1999 February. We are interested in the treatment effects of gamma interferon to the 128 CGD patients’recurrence. To investigate this research problem, we focus on three marginal models (AG model, WLW model and PWP model) and frailty models approaches of multivariate survival data analysis. In addition to compare the performance of the these approaches, we also study the effect of gamma interferon to CGD patients’recurrence and survival times under different models.