本論文試圖提出一種「城市環境倫理」(urban environmental ethics),以便在城市化的社會發展歷程中試圖減少和避免環境污染、生態破壞,創造適合民眾生活的宜居城市。本論文從城市治理政策、社會參與實踐和城市美學實作三個部分切入。在治理政策的部分,透過生態安全論來分析城市環境治理與環境保護政策對於城市環境倫理學開展的重要性。而在社會參與的部分,則由城市居民在經濟領域中透過評估商業公司與其營利模式是否具有企業社會責任(social responsibility),以便選擇優良的營利或非營利企業來共同幫助環保事業和生態保育的推動。另一方面,則透過「環境教育」(environmental education)提昇城市居民的環境保育意識,以便讓城市倫理學中的綠色公民參與成為可能。最後在城市美學的部分,則透過「生態城市化」(ecological urbanization)做為主要的實踐方式,而其背後的理論奠基是藉由「環境教育」和「環境美學」(environmental aesthetics)的結合,透過城市生態規劃與社區營造,打造環境教育場域(environmental education fields)以便讓住在城市中的居民可以擁有環保意識和生態整全意識(ecological holistic awareness)。 ;Urbanization is the tendency of modern society. There are many environmental problems in the progress of urbanization due to infrastructure, population and consumer society. Urbanization is double-edged sword. On the one hand it increases the social and economic development in urban to improve the living standard of citizen, but on the other hand it brings out the social problems such as environmental pollution, ecological deterioration, traffic congestion, housing shortage, unemployment rate.
The thesis tries to offer a theory named “urban environmental ethics” to avoid environmental pollution and ecological deterioration, and also to create livable city for citizen. The thesis will be divided into three parts: governance and policies in urban, social engagement and urban aesthetics.
In the chapter of governance and policies in urban, I will use the theory of ecological security to analyze the importance of environmental governance and policies for urban environmental ethics. In the chapter of social engagement, I will use the theory of social responsibility and environmental education to help citizens to learn green citizen engagement and choose good enterprise for improving the environmental protection. In the chapter of urban aesthetics, I will use the theory of ecological urbanization to combine environmental education and environmental aesthetics. Through the concept of ecological urbanization, citizens can have ecological holistic awareness and the willing to environmental protection.