摘要: | 2016年第14屆總統與第9屆立法委員於1月16日合併選舉,完成第三次政黨輪替,但總統就職典禮仍維持以往於5月20日舉行之慣例,導致我國首次出現交接期間長達四個月的憲政危機,關於我國組閣權的爭議再度受到重視,有學者認為應恢復立法院的閣揆同意權、更有呼籲應盡速通過總統交接條例草案以解決交接期間過長的危機。組閣權爭議可追朔於我國至今未有定論的憲政體制之爭,推崇內閣制的學者與推崇總統制之學者,在解釋總統權力時尤其大相逕庭,故本文首先將探討半總統制之定義與憲法學者對於我國憲政體制之主張,並且將我國憲法所規範總統權力對照總統交接條例草案之規範,檢視總統交接條例草案。另外,半總統制本身即是憲法規範與運作產生落差的體制,在討論憲政體制時,應重視其憲政實際運作,本文會一併討論我國憲政體制的實際運作情況,釐清我國總統的角色與責任,憲政運作上我國半總統制乃以總統為核心、總統掌握政權的憲政體制。
最後,本文將對立法委員與政黨黨團所提交接條例草案與立法院二讀通過的總統交接條例草案做比較與簡評,透過對各黨團的比較與立法過程的研究,可知總統權力的限制與否與限制大小,乃是各政黨在立法過程中最具爭執的地方,且不論我國總統權力在憲法上有明確規範的情況下,對於總統權力至今仍是學者間未有共識的議題,更遑論憲法上權力在朝野的對抗下主要顯現為政治力的角逐,在草案本身難與政治脫離的現實下,要完成立法,顯然遙遙無期。草案中,唯一可能達成共識的乃是規範經費預算與行政事務方面的協助,觀察過去交接經驗,總統當選人除了政治獻金外,尚有政府提供的競選補助,政府或可考量以競選補貼款支應當選人辦公室花費。另外,關於行政事務的協助方面,草案本身並無詳細規範,只列出需要移交之檔案,對於促進政權交接並無實益。本文認為與其對政治色彩過於濃厚、有違憲疑慮的政權移轉做限制與規範,不如強化檔案法的作用,建立檔案監督機關,或建立統一獨立的檔案局,以確保總統與與各行政機關交接檔案的完整,當政治人物在位期間的所作所為都被記錄在案,便能側面提醒政治人物時時注意自我操守、遵守憲法的誡命。 ;The election in 2016, caused four-month-long the constitutional crises. Some scholars suggest reintroducing government investiture in Parliament, to solve the crisis. Scholars explained president′s power of the constitution which is especially courtyard. Therefore this article will discuss the definition of the semi-presidential system and argues on the presidential power. Also, this article will meet one and discusses our country constitutional government system the actual operation situation, hoped to be able to clarify the definition of the semi-presidential system and our president′s role and responsibility.
Next, the electoral system and the constitutional government system are the intense relatednesses, this article makes the summary regarding the electoral system transformation and the election time interval the introduction. Discuss if changes above influence our operation of constitutional, which forms cohesion party and more powerful president. In addition, this article considers the interregnum does not write in our constitution so that, combined elections was not unconstitutional. The president′s terms should count on a calendar, cannot be shortend or extend.
Finally, this article makes the seven edition draft the comparative analysis. President′ authority limit, is political parties most dispute in the legislation process. President′ authority power magnitudes still have not had the consensus among scholars until now, in addition, political power involvement. It is difficult to complete the legislation. The draft does not have the genuine benefit to promote the transition. Instead of, enhance the function of Archives Act, establish archives surveillance institution and independent archives Agency. When the political figure reigns the actions on record on the term, that reminder political figure pays attention to the self-personal integrity at times, observe the constitution observe the constitution commandment. |