本論文分為兩個目標:自動化檢測系統、Arduino模擬器。自動化檢測系統採用一選十二繼電器切換網,配合軟體之測試程式與流程控制程式,安排執行檢測與切換通道程序,實現對物聯網裝置ASA的功能檢測,檢測項目包含:ASA匯流排功能、USB燒錄通訊功能及40PIN擴充I/O輸出入能力。藉此提高物聯網裝置的品管維護效率,改善品管效益。 Arduino模擬器提供相容Arduino驅動函式庫,能在AVR編輯環境中使用Arduino專用驅動函式,且透過自製接腳規劃程式,使用者可規劃替代接腳完成Arduino移植接腳功能至ASA裝置,並擴充其接腳數量。期望能降低原Arduino使用者在ASA系統的上手門檻,並在ASA系統中滿足進階擴充功能的技術應用。 在本文最後的驗證設計中,設計一對十二通道切換、ASA-BUS品質測試、小量品管檢測及效益成本等驗證,以驗證結果證明自動化檢測系統的實現與效益。 ;There are two stages in the thesis:Automatic Testing System and Arduino System Simulator. Automatic Testing System uses Reed Relays switching nets with twelve channels, which arranges the testing procedure and switches channels with testing and procedure arrangement code, and realizes ability testing of the Internet of Things (IoT) devices of ASA. As a result, enhance the efficiency of quality controlling and maintaining, and improve the benefit. Arduino System Simulator provides the library compatibility with Arduino, which can program Arduino special function in AVR integrated development environment (IDE). Furthermore, user can replace Arduino functional PIN with ASA device and increase PIN number by using PIN Map Programing Software. Hoping that could make it easy for Arduino user using ASA system, and being satisfied of having more advanced functions and applications in ASA system. In verification design chapter in the thesis, we design four verification experiments, including of twelve channel switching, ASA-BUS function, small amount of quality control, and benefit and cost, to prove the realization and benefit of Automatic Testing System.