本論文主要為有機薄膜電晶體 (OTFTs) 材料之開發。 本研究主要設計出新穎可溶性噻吩並吡咯酮衍生物之有機光電材料,以具有不同碳鏈之噻吩並吡咯酮二聚體 (DTP) 作為含有拉電子基團之核心,開發出兩種n 型有機薄膜電晶體材料-醌型噻吩並吡咯酮二聚體 (DTPQ),分別為碳鏈為 b-C8H17 之 DTPQ-b8 (1) 與碳鏈為 b-C16H33 之 DTPQ-b16 (2)。此外,也以此兩DTP為核心,於其兩末端外接二併環噻吩(TT)以及二聯噻吩(bT),開發出四種 p 型有機薄膜電晶體材料,分別為:DTT-DTP-b8 (3)、DTT-DTP-b16 (4)、DbT-DTP-b8 (5)、DbT-DTP-b16 (6)。 之後,藉由 UV-vis 與 DPV 探討所開發分子之HOMO 與 LUMO 能階,並以DSC與TGA 探討新型材料之熱穩定性。目前,n型材料 DTPQ-b8 (1) 之載子移動率最高可達 0.161 cm2 V-1 s-1,而 DTPQ-b16 (2) 之載子移動率最高可達 1.7 cm2 V-1 s-1,此電性表現為全台目前最高n型 OTFT 可溶性小分子之最佳效能紀錄,目前元件效能優化中。 ;A series of new small molecules based on the dimer of thienopyrrole (DTP) were synthesized and characterized for organic thin film transistors (OTFTs). For n-type OTFTs, two soluble DTP-based quinoidals with different branched-alkyl chains, DTPQ-b8 (1; R= b-C8H17) and DTPQ-b16 (2; R= b-C16H33), were synthesized. For p-type OTFTs, the two different alkylated DTP cores were end-capped with thienothiophene (TT) and bithiophene (bT) to give DTT-DTP-b8 (3)、DTT-DTP-b16 (4)、DbT-DTP-b8 (5)、and DbT-DTP-b16 (6). The optical and electrochemical properties (HOMO and LUMO) of these DTP materials were characterized by UV-vis and DPV. Thermal properties were investigated by DSC and TGA. By solution shearing, DTPQ-b8 (1) and DTPQ-b16 (2) exhibit n-channel transport with the highest mobility up to 0.161 cm2 V-1 s-1 and 1.7 cm2 V-1 s-1, respectively. As the best of our knowledge, the latter is the highest mobility record of small molecules developed by Taiwan via a solution process.