摘要: | 台灣醫療器材產業歷經多年的積極發展,目前已在生技產業中佔有重要的地位。未來隨著高齡化社會的來臨,慢性疾病人口增加,健康照護的需求攀升,以及人們越來越重視醫療保健,醫療器材產業仍具有相當高的成長潛力。但是,國內醫療器材廠商所生產的產品,主要在生理檢測器材類的醫療器材產品,高階醫療器材如生理監測裝置及影像醫學裝置除了在品質與設計上與先進國家相較仍有落差外;在低階的生理檢測器材類產品製造成本上也必須與中國大陸以及開發中的國家競爭,國內業者在面臨腹背受敵的情況下,該如何提升本身的競爭力,是台灣診斷與監測用醫療器材廠需要的經營策略需積極思考。 由於人口老化、生育率下降、慢性病人口逐漸增加及健康照顧需求逐漸增加,已成全球趨勢,對醫療器材之需求日趨增加,但醫療器材產業不同於一般消費性產品,因為牽涉到人民的生命福祉,各國政府對醫療器材均訂有各種規範標準,舉凡產品之生產、規格、用途、操作說明、標示、廣告、銷售等均在管制之列。但因歐美各國及台灣,法規標準並不一致,因此產業的發展亦不相同,本論文即以醫療器材產業之診斷與監測用醫療器材類別為例,探討產業結構、特性與企業市場行為關係,而企業檢視本身的資源與關鍵技術會採取何種最適之可行經營策略,以建立企業發展的競爭優勢。 本研究以台灣診斷與監測用醫療器材產業之血壓計產品為研究對象,並採用SCP分析架構作為研究分析的主要工具,透過分析台灣血壓計產業的基本經濟條件、市場結構分析、廠商行為分析、經營績效分析來探討此產業的企業經營策略與競爭力。另外,也蒐集文獻資料來對全球醫療器材產業做全面性的分析與介紹。最後提出相關建議,供政府與國內廠商做為參考。進一步在全球醫療器材產業鏈中,台灣醫療器材廠商如何找出利基點在國際上佔有一席之地。 研究得到結論如下:1.「以人為本理念」,創造使用者價值:在產品設計開發須以「聚焦使用者需求與習慣」的主軸為出發點; 2.科技創新產品:企業需創造更高的獲利必須提高創新能力,找到符合使用者需求的企業核心技術;3.強化醫材創新研發能量:推動高附加價值醫材由於技術門檻高,使得開發時程較長、投入資源亦相對較多,更需仰賴國內產、官、學、研醫的共同努力,協助廠商渡過產品開發的死亡之谷;4.國際品牌客戶關係維繫:要在眾多競爭對手中取得訂單,除了價格優勢、品質穩定外還要長期與客戶策略合作共同開發來培養感情;5.技術應用方向:診斷與監測用醫療器材產業在技術應用需朝向微小化、可攜化、無線化、客製化、人性化的方向發展。;With years of development progress, the medical device industry in Taiwan has occupied an important position in the biotechnology industry. Health care demand grows due to upcoming aging society, increasing numbers of chronic patients and emerging needs of quality health care. Therefore, there are considerable rooms for market growth in medical device industry. However, Taiwan medical equipment manufacturers mainly produce physiological testing equipment and diagnostic equipment. They have difficulties to compete with advanced countries on quality and design on high-end medical equipment such as physiological monitoring devices and imaging medical devices. Whereas China and developing countries still have tremendous winning advantage on manufacturing costs. How can domestic enterprises improve their competitiveness in the face of a back-to-back rivalry? Taiwan′s medical and diagnostic equipment manufacturers need to have critical thinking and formulate strategies accordingly. In regards for aging population, declining birth rates and increasing population of chronic diseases patients, global demands on medical device is increasing rapidly. Unlike consumer product, governments of all countries have different types of standard and regulations on medical equipment, including all the production, specifications, uses, instructions, labeling, advertising, sales, etc. There are differences on regulation and standards between Europe, the United States and Taiwan. Therefore, industry development is not the same. This dissertation studies diagnosis and monitoring segment of medical equipment industry uses Structure-Conduct-Performance as the analysis framework on domestic economic conditions, market competitiveness, supply competitiveness and financial performance of these manufacturers. Furthermore, there will be an overall introduction and analysis of global medical device industry supported by other research papers. Finally, a series of suggestion will be provided for government and suppliers on how to find a niche market and create a strong foothold to improve its current position among medical devices’ global supply chain. The conclusions of this study are as follows: 1. Creating user value: product design and development must be based on user needs and habits as the starting point. 2. Innovation: Enterprises need to create higher profit by innovation through finding its core technology that can satisfy users needs. 3. Strategic cooperation and resources coordination on development. Due to the high technical threshold, the development is time and resources consuming. It is even more crucial to rely on the strategic cooperation and resources coordination between manufacturers government, academia, researchers and doctors to work together overcome the development difficulties. 4. International customer relationship management: It is important to obtain orders among competitors through pricing advantage and stable quality. It is even more important to create stable business and form strategic alliance with customers. 5. Application of Technology: The application of medical equipment in diagnosis and monitoring needs to be designed and developed towards miniature, portable, wireless, customized, and humane needs. |