近年來隨著國內公路的密集度增加及路網建設也日漸完善,傳統鋪面作業已從新工轉為養護,道路新建工程提升成道路養護工程,而養護作業包含了鋪面、路基、人行環境、植生綠化景觀、橋梁、隧道、周邊排水設備、行車安全設備與交通資訊等項目,如何在有限的預算下,有效管理以達成正確和高效率的鋪面維護已成為了重要的研究課題。 針對台灣現行之橋梁開口合約之契約進行本研究之探討,首先從法規面進行分析,來了解目前現今之合約對於橋梁維護之利弊,進而拓展至技術面與監造人員監工時的執行面來做最後的探究與結尾,同時以目前桃園市政府橋梁養護發包策略進行分析,比較不同策略下所節省之人員調度與施工品質績效。 最後透過與主辦機關及承攬廠商進行專家問卷調查來探討不同面向之優劣,並以問卷分析結果權重之比例來強化整體研究成果之可行性與建議日後精進之 作為。;With the increase of domestic high way and progress of road network development, traditional pavement work has changed, from building new roads to maintaining them. The maintenance operations include pavement, subgrade, pedestrian environment, environmental greening, bridge, tunnel, drainage facilities, traffic safety facilities, traffic information and so on. How to maintain and manage the pavement efficiently with a limited budget has become an important issue. The research is going to discuss the current open contract of bridges in Taiwan. Firstly, we are going to analysis from the aspect of the law to understand the advantage and disadvantage of the contract to the maintenance of bridges. Then, broaden to the aspect of technical and aspect of the execution done by both observation and supervision engineer, analysis the contracts of Taoyuan government’s bridge maintenance operation, and compare the engineering quality and reduction of human personnel costs in the condition of different contract out strategy. Finally, through the questionnaire we discuss the advantage and disadvantage of different aspects and result with the analytic hierarchy process and the SWOT analysis, using the weight of result to strengthen the feasibility of the research and representative of the amended item.