共享經濟主打「舊有的概念,新創的模式」在世界各地迅速蔓延,且蓬勃發展。台灣政府近年來也開始重視共享經濟的議題,為了更瞭解在台灣的共享經濟市場發展,本研究欲探討台灣消費者對於共享經濟平台的滿意度及持續使用意圖,並以台灣Uber作為研究情境。 本研究應用期望確認理論,透過研讀及彙整過去相關文獻,建構出影響消費者持續使用Uber服務的研究模型。模型中包含確認程度、感知有用性、滿意度、持續使用意圖、經濟利益、感知安全性以及便利性等變數。本研究採線上問卷方式進行調查,於Facebook與批踢踢實業坊平台共回收527份樣本。 資料分析結果顯示,消費者在實際使用過Uber服務後,其事前期望與事後的績效確認程度越高時,對感知有用性及滿意度有正向影響;感知有用性對於滿意度及持續使用意圖有正向影響;滿意度對持續使用意圖有正向影響;確認程度對經濟利益、感知安全性、便利性皆有正向影響;而經濟利益、感知安全性、便利性對於滿意度以及持續使用意圖皆有正向的影響。另外發現經濟利益、感知安全性、便利性在確認程度與滿意度之間有部份中介效果之影響。 最後提出本研究的建議,共享經濟平台在發展上能夠加強消費者持續使用著重的因素,使更多的消費者願意持續使用,形成正網絡效應。 ;“The Sharing Economy” is an old concept but in new innovation that spread rapidly around the world. Taiwan government is also highly interested in these new economies. In order to better understand the development of the shared economic market in Taiwan. This study is conducted under the scenario of Uber service and try to understand consumers’ satisfaction and continuance intentions after using Uber. Our research model is based on the Expectation Confirmation Theory, ECT. After study and organize relevant research literature in the past, constructs a research model of consumers’ continuance intentions to use Uber. Research variables included “confirmation”, “perceived usefulness”, “satisfaction”, “continuance intentions”, “economic benefit”, “perceived security”, and “convenience”. The data is collected from 527 respondents through Facebook and PTT and 437 samples are valid. Data analysis results show that confirmation has positive effect on perceived usefulness and satisfaction. Perceived usefulness has positive effect on satisfaction and continuance intentions. Consumers’ satisfaction has positive effect on continuance intentions. Confirmation has positive effect on economic benefit, perceived security and convenience. Economic benefit, perceived security and convenience have positive effect on satisfaction and continuance intentions. In addition, it is found that the economic benefits, perceived security and convenience have partial mediation effect between confirmation and satisfaction. In conclusion, this study suggests enterprises can strengthen the key factors. So that more consumers are willing to use, and achieve positive network effect.