中央警察大學作為我國警察教育中唯一培養警察幹部之學校,每年培養出之畢業生通過國家考試後,分發全國警政、消防、海巡、矯治及國安單位服務,對我國各治安機關任務之推展,影響極為深遠。 此獨特之幹部養成教育,目的在培養學生成為術德兼備、允文允武的治安幹部。區隊長所從事之隊職工作正是實踐此養成教育內涵的樞紐。對於此一特殊之職務內容,綜觀國內雖不乏與警察人力資源等相關議題之研究與著作,但卻未見有從警察養成教育第一線人員的角度來探討其人力資源管理的各方面,因此欲藉本研究深化對此職務之認識及發現其內涵價值。 本研究採用文獻探討法及深度訪談法作為研究方法,從人力資源管理有關理論及文獻出發,獲取相關概念後,繼之探討中央警察大學區隊長人力資源管理實務現況,型塑基本概念。而在深度訪談法方面,以曾任此職位之資深人員6名為訪談樣本,就其過去之經驗、現在之感受及未來興革之期待,所得之訪談內容,共歸納出6個人力資源管理領域中12項主題、22個類別及44個次類別,經分析後提出相關結論,並就現況所不足之處提出相關建議,作為未來區隊長職務人力資源管理功能精進之參考。;As the only school that cultivate police officers in Taiwanese police education system, the Central Police University cultivates graduates each year that are distributed to offices in Police Agency, Fire Agency, National Immigration Agency, Agency of Corrections, Coast Guard Administration, or National Security Bureau after passing national examination. They have profound influences to the mission progression of all nation’s public security administrations. This unique developmental education aims to educate the students to become cadre with adequate skillset, rightful ethic, abundant knowledge and strong physique. The work which a drill lieutenant (section leader) engaged with is crucial to the success of such developmental education. Regarding the particularity of such duty post, although there were plenty of domestic research efforts on police human resource management, never was the topic been discussed academically from the view of first line staff of police developmental education. Therefore this research is dedicated to deepen the understanding of such duty post and to discover its connation value. This research adopts literature review and in-depth interview as the chosen research methods. Related theories and literatures of police human resource management were analyzed first to obtain relevant concepts. In the aspect of in-depth interview, 6 senior staff who served as a drill lieutenant before were selected as interview samples. Based on their past experience, present feelings and future expectations, the interview results were concluded into 12 themes, 22 categories and 44 sub-categories in 6 human resource management fields. Corresponding suggestions to each of these fields were summarized to improve deficiencies in current situation so as to serve as references for future improvements in drill lieutenant human resource management.