在知識經濟的時代裡,人力資本是企業達到追求最大利潤與永續經營目的的重要資產之一,高人力資本也就是高生產力的象徵。企業若想要在全球快速自由移動的人才獲得關鍵人才青睞,提供專業舞台、優渥薪酬福利與重視職涯發展等,都將是人才留用的重要課題。 本研究為瞭解員工的工作滿意度對員工的工作績效的關聯,並檢視工作滿意度是否會透過工作投入對員工的工作績效產生中介的效果。藉由相關學者所著的書籍、學術期刊、學術論文、網路資訊等進行相關文獻的蒐集與整理。隨後再以電子郵件與即時通訊網軟體,邀請受測者進行網路問卷填答,最後再以SPSS進行統計分析,並檢驗相關假設結果是否成立。 ;In the age of knowledge economy, human capital is one of the important assets for the enterprise to achieve the purpose of maximum profit and sustainable management. It’s a symbol the high productivity means the high human capital. If the enterprise wants to win the key talents in the fast and global world, provides the professional stage, generous salaries and benefits as well as the paying attention to career development, will be the subject of talent retention. This study is to understand the employee′s job satisfaction associated with the job performance of employees, and check the mediation effect whether job satisfaction will work jointly by job involvement on employees′ job performance. The first step is to work on collecting and sorting related books, academic journals, papers, information from internet. Then, invite the participants to answer questionnaires by emails and app software. Finally, run SPSS for statistical analysis to check whether the result of hypotheses is sustained or not.