隨著資訊科技的進步,透過資訊科技增強(technology-enhance learning)的影音學習方式(video-based learning ,VBL)逐漸成為現代的教育主流,影音學習最為常見的學習模式就是透過觀看影片來做學習,然而在這個過程當中,如果可以適時的加入一些學習鷹架幫助學習者跨越專業的鴻溝,相信更能夠提升學生的學習成效。本研究之主要目的為發展出以學習者為中心(learner-centered design, LCD)的「歷史影音學習平台」,提供學習鷹架幫助學生跨越歷史學科的專業鴻溝,以幫助學生在歷史學科上的學習。為了評估歷史影音學習平台是否有符合學生的需求,本研究採用準實驗研究法,將學生分成實驗組A(21人)和實驗組B(29人),另外也將學生在歷史影音學習平台中的學習成績進行分析,並透過科技接受度問卷、鷹架功能與互動工具知覺有用性問卷了解實驗學生使用系統的知覺有用性、易用性及使用意願。研究結果發現學生對於歷史影音學習平台所提供的功能,在知覺有用性、知覺易用性和使用意願皆給予正面回饋,特別是學生認為在做學習單時使用歷史影音學習平台,更能幫助他們完成學習單,在系統操作上也是容易使用的,並且對於使用歷史影音學習平台撰寫學習單也是有相當高的使用意願。根據高低成就學生的學習成績分析結果發現,高成就的學生在使用歷史影音學習平台進行指定影音任務撰寫學習單時,與搜尋任務的分數有顯著的差異,而低成就的學生在這兩種學習任務中並沒有顯著的差異。本研究進一步將兩組學生的後測成績進行比對,發現實驗組B的學習成績較高,由此推論實驗組B的學習模式對學生來說或許是比較有幫助的。最後,本研究依據研究結果與討論提出系統設計與改良及未來研究之建議。;With advances in information technology, technology-enhance learning and video-based learning becomes the mainstream of modern education.The most common way of video-based learning is to watch videos and learn. However, if we combine some learning scaffolding to the video-based learning, it will help learners to cross the professional gap. The main purpose of this study is to developed a learner-centered " Online Learning in Video Environment platform" providing scaffoldings to help students cross the professional gap, and enhance their study in history subject.In order to assess the Online Learning in Video Environment platform whether that meet the needs of students, this study used Experimental Research.The students were divided into experimental group A (N=21) and experimental group B (N=29). Besides, we also evaluate students achievement in the Online Learning in Video Environment platform by analysis and questionnaire survey. The results showed that unity perceived usefulness and unity perceived ease of use have been both positive feedback. In addition, the results of the analysis based on academic achievement level of the students found that students of high achievement in the use of Designated video task is better than Search video task. In this study, two groups of students in further post-test scores were compared and found that the higher grades of the experimental group B corollary learning model for students may be relatively helpful. Finally, we make some suggestion to improve the system and future studies by the findings.