本研究欲探討TRF與DKO之架構與計價模組之不同,進而帶到客戶承作之目的;及日前在人民幣系統性風險發生後,產品對投資人造成的影響。研究方法為使用外匯選擇權的模型,藉由蒙地卡羅的模擬及波動度的估計,來評價TRF與DKO產品在市場波動時的產品價值等分析。 人民幣相關產品在近幾年的蓬勃發展,主要受益於人民幣匯率的單邊升值現象;此景況促使投資人積極進場承做交易,欲降低損失部位,或以投資角度來增加收益。但投資人進場的心理狀態往往與實際上發生損失時,能承受的金額有大幅差距,因而導致現今的客訴爭議不斷。本研究以投資人的心理層面與TRF、DKO兩項產品在參數變動時對架構數值的影響做出分析。 ;Due to the currently Renminbi(RMB) systemic risks deeply influence clients in their investment. In order to let investors to think carefully about this kind of product, this research is trying to compare the difference of calculation model and structure detail between TRF and DKO. By using the model of FX option, use Monte Carlo method and volatility estimate, to evaluate when we face market movement, how goes the value of TRF and DKO products. Recently, due to RMB one-way appreciation, RMB related products became a good choice for investors. This make investors trade product aggressively to reduce their lost or try to increase the investment income. However, when the investment losses actually happened, the loss amount is always unimaginable for investors. And that is the reason why the controversy of client complaints keeps happening. In order to let investors know more about these kind of products, this research is trying to analyze the influence between investors′ mental status and structure detail of TRF and DKO products when impact factors moved.