在全球的產業競爭的環境中,企業為維持競爭力,紛紛投入資源在組織領導力的提升。在組織經營的績效部分,中階主管在組織中屬承上啟下的角色,其所掌握的資訊常常是公司核心競爭力的部分,公司的成敗常常維繫於中階主管扮演良好與否。綜合以上所述,管理者之素質將決定企業的競爭力,而中階主管對於組織的經營績效則扮演著關鍵角色。在組織中,人力資源部門往往被視為是協助組織規劃執行人才訓練發展的重要單位,近年來人力資源單位紛紛開始著重於組織領導管理力及人才發展的規劃,投入了相當多的資源在於協助組織發展並培育人才,同時也尋找並運用各種評鑑工具,希冀透過公平客觀的方式協助組織找到適合之關鍵人才。1993年Spencer & Spencer將特質與行為的概念結合,並提出了職能冰山模型理論,以內隱與外顯的角度解釋了特質動機可影響行為的展現進而影響績效表現。 本研究聚焦於組織之中階主管,探討個案公司中階主管所需之管理要素含經理人特質及管理行為,並研究分析中階主管之經理人特質及管理行為與其個人績效成果間之關聯。本研究假設以職能冰山模型為理論基礎,假設管理行為在經理人特質與績效間具有完全中介效果,本研究將管理行為分為三面向,分別為人際互動面向、員工引領面向及決策分析面向以個案公司360度評鑑資料進行分析。透過驗證證明經理人特質對績效具有正向的影響;經理人特質對管理行為三面向(人際、管理及決策分析面向)具有正向的影響;管理行為三面向對經理人特質及績效具有中介效果的影響,亦即可透過管理行為來改變經理人特質對績效的影響。管理行為之三面向中,以管理行為的人際互動面向之中介效果較其他兩者(管理行為員工引領面向及管理行為決策分析面向)強烈。 以此驗證證明,個案公司可將評鑑工具及評鑑結果使用於公司內部招募甄選、訓練發展規劃及人才發展相關規劃上,以提升組織內部管理領導能力。 ;Under the environment of global competitive industries, companies have been constantly invested in resources by developing organizational leadership competence in order to maintain competitive advantages. Mid-level managers play as the nexus roles in the organizations possessing the core and essential information that could have the probabilities to influence companies’ success as a result. In recent years, more and more efforts are put in human resources by aggressively seeking and utilizing varieties of assessment tools to effectively assist organization to find key talent and focus on talent planning and development. According to Spencer and Spencer, (1993)’s Iceberg Model, it explained the concepts of self-concept, traits and motive competencies are more hidden, deeper and central to personality, that could trigger personal behaviors and lead to different levels of performance results in the end. By identifying one of the leading companies in IC packaging and testing industry and building on the theories of Iceberg Model and management competency, the study focuses on the exploration of the relationship among mid-level managers’ personality traits, management behaviors and work performance by analyzing the data collected through the company’s practical 360-degree assessment and performance appraisal result.
A notable result of this research presents that personality traits positively influence management behaviors and work performance. The three management behavior variables: 1) interaction essentials, 2) leading others, and 3) decision and planning making have complete mediating effects between personality traits and work performance. In addition, the effect of interaction essentials is higher than the other two behavior variables in the hypothesis. This empirical result implies that the use of assessment tools can effectively improve mid-level managers’ leadership capability in the context of internal recruiting and selection, training and development, as well as related talent planning and development.