在企業國際化、全球化經營的背景下,人才競爭更為激烈,有效的人才管理能夠為公司吸引和保留關鍵的人才,提高組織績效,獲得競爭優勢。當企業高層管理者依其自身的人才思維而對各種人才管理措施作出選擇,期望員工能因為組織的這些作為而達成組織目標,但組織與員工的想法可能並不一致,造成落差可能導致成效不彰,這是因為人才管理的成效會因為員工的態度和行為而受影響。因此,如何對待人才及有效的人才管理能力已是組織最大的挑戰。 本研究乃採取實證分析的方法,從員工層次來探討人才管理措施、自我人才辨識(人才差異化)、心理契約履行、及員工投入的關聯,並考驗自我人才辨識及心理契約履行之中介效果。本研究總共發出314份問卷,有效問卷共計255份,其研究結果發現,組織投資於人才管理表示關注員工的才能,員工透過自我人才辨識的結果,理解組織如何看待其人才價值及潛力,也就感受到組織的承諾及對未來的支持而達到心理契約履行,人才也就會產生互惠交換的義務,導致高度員工投入,並作出符合組織目標及利益的狀態。本研究呼應人才管理相關文獻的論述,以下研究假設全部獲得成立,並依此作出建議以作為企業在規劃人才管理實務上之參考。 1. 員工對人才管理措施的知覺,與心理契約履行及員工投入有正向顯著之影響。 2. 心理契約履行對人才管理措施與員工投入之間具有中介效果。 3. 人才管理措施,對自我被辨識為人才的知覺有正向顯著之影響。 4. 員工自我知覺被組織辨識為人才的程度,與心理契約履行及員工投入有正向顯著之影響。 5. 員工對人才管理措施的知覺會經由自我人才辨識的中介效果對心理契約履行及員工投入有正向顯著之影響。 ;In the context of competitive and globalization business, it has been more and more intense in winning talent. Effective talent management can help the organization to attract and retain key talent, improve organizational performance, and gain competitive advantages. When top management makes all kinds of choices from various talent management practices, they expect employees can contribute in return to achieve organizational goals. However, the gap between the intentions of the organization and the perceptions of the employees causes ineffectiveness in talent management investments. Thus, the value of examining how talent management practices affect employees’ attitudes and behivors has become increasingly important more than ever. The findings of the empirical study show that investing in talent management is one way for organizations to show that they are paying attention to the talent of their employees. Talent management practices thus based on which employees make sense of their employment relationship and how they think the organization perceives them, including in terms of talent value and potential. In this context, employees perceive the commitments and supports from organization so that psychological contract fulfilled. They then reciprocate with positive attitudes and behaviors which lead to employee engagement. All hypothesizes of this study are supported which echo the researches of literatures and have summarized as follows:
1. There are positive relationships among employees’ perceptions of talent management practices, self-identification as talent, psychological contract fulfillment and employee engagement. 2. Psychological contract fulfillment partial mediates talent management practices and employee engagement. 3. Self-identification as talent partial mediates talent management practices and psychological contract fulfillment as well as talent management practices and employee engagement.