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    Showing items 401-450 of 7148. (143 Page(s) Totally)
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    2022-09-03 TCDP井下地震儀14年長期監測 – 噪訊與地震;Long-term Monitoring of TCDP Borehole Seismometer Array for 14 years – Noises and Earthquakes 陳文瑜; Chen, Wen-Yu
    2022-09-01 氣象環境對臺灣2018-2021冬春季節PM2.5濃度的影響;Impact of meteorological environment on PM2.5 in Taiwan during the winter-spring season 2018-2021 簡筱臻; Chien, Hsiao-Chen
    2022-08-30 Applying the ensemble singular vector to study the forecast sensitivity of the heavy rainfall event on 2nd June 2017 賴鵬翔; Lai, Peng-Xiang
    2022-08-29 應用鍶-釹-鉛同位素探討大氣與水體環境中金屬來源與傳輸過程之研究;Applications of Sr-Nd-Pb isotopes for tracing sources and transport processes in atmospheric and aquatic environments 吳栢兆; Wu, Po-Chao
    2022-08-29 應用 iTilt-Euler法探討澎湖西南外海 磁力異常構造;Apply iTilt-Euler method on the magnetic anomaly at southwest of Penghu. 徐敬; HSU, CHING
    2022-08-29 整合河床出入滲試驗與數值模擬探討東港溪流域地下水與 河川交換量季節特徵;Combining river recharge and discharge experiments and numerical simulation to discuss the seasonal interactions between groundwater and river water in Donggang river watershed 莊信宏; Jhuang, Sin-Hong
    2022-08-27 利用全球導航衛星系統全電子含量觀察電離層月相效應;Ionospheric lunar phase effects observed by GNSS total electron content 吳宗祐; Wu, Tsung-Yu
    2022-08-25 基於深度學習的反射震測速度分析;Analysis of Reflection Seismic Velocity Based on Deep Learning 林東璋; Lin, Dong-Jhang
    2022-08-25 近岸地區受風作用下之捲浪破碎機制研究;An investigation of plunging breakers in the nearshore area under the influence of wind 張明南; Truong, Nhat-Minh
    2022-08-24 利用震源掃描法分析台灣地區M5.5+地震之最大滑移位置;Investigation of the maximum slip location of M5.5+ earthquakes in Taiwan by using the source-scanning algorithm technique 戴庭文; Dai, Ting-Wen
    2022-08-24 充放電振盪機制在非典型聖嬰演化過程中所扮演的角色;Recharge Oscillator Mechanisms in Two Types of El Niño Modoki 張萍宜; Pimg-Yi, Chang
    2022-08-22 台灣GPS 測站的錯移分析;Offsets analysis of GPS stations in Taiwan 黃牧洵; Huang, Mu-Hsun
    2022-08-22 利用曾文溪沿岸階地及碳14定年法分析臺灣西南部崙後斷層及口宵里斷層之活動特性;Analyzing the Holocene activity of the Lunhou fault and Kouhsiaoli fault in southwestern Taiwan based on the Tsengwen River terraces 石智偉; Shih, Jhih-Wei
    2022-08-20 臺灣西南部海洋邊界層垂直結構特性分析;Characteristics of the Vertical Structure of the Marine Boundary Layer at Southwest Taiwan 宋柏璋; Sung, Bo-Jhang
    2022-08-16 多污染物遷移與健康風險評估計算軟體開發;Development of a computer software for migration of multiple contaminants and health risk assessment 陳琤雯; Chen, Cheng-Wen
    2022-08-15 應用長短期記憶遞迴神經網路預測Kp地磁指數;Forecasting of Kp Index Using Long Short-Term Memory Recurrent Neural Networks 邱思齊; Chiu, Shih-Chi
    2022-08-13 新中壢電離層探測儀系統特性與實高分析-演算法與資料比對;New Chung-Li Ionosonde System Description and True Height Analysis - Algorithm and Data Comparison 柯凱鈞; Ke, Kai-Jun
    2022-08-12 以非結構性網格模式探討三接港對桃園海岸波流場之影響;Influence of LNG sea port on the flow and wave fields in Taoyuan coast based on an unstructured-grid numerical model 藍亦汝; Lan, Yi-Ru
    2022-08-12 Extreme Heavy Rainfall Event on 01-02 June 2017 over Northern Taiwan Area: Analysis of Radar Observation and Ensemble Simulations 蔡沛蓉; Tsai, Pei-Jung
    2022-08-12 WRF-LETKF系統同化反演熱動力場與雷達資料:鋒面雨帶個案之分析探討;Analysis of Assimilating Retrieval Thermodynamic Fields and radar data by the WRF-LETKF Assimilation System: A Case Study of Frontal Rainband 柯緁盈; Ke, Chieh-Ying
    2022-08-10 以二維地震波模擬探討臺灣東北部雙重P波之觀測;Using 2-D Waveform Modeling to Analyze the Observations of Separating First P Arrivals Beneath NE Taiwan 顏宏宇; Yen, Hung-Yu
    2022-08-10 考慮限制速率吸附的多NAPL污染源含氯溶劑污染物與其降解生成產物遷移新解析模式發展 陳逸賢; Chen, Yi-Hsien
    2022-08-10 MSE Budget Analysis of Strong and Weak MJO Events Using ERA5 and COSMIC RO Data: A Case-to-Case Comparison Study 林淑軒; Lin, Shu-Hsuan
    2022-08-09 高垂直解析度行星邊界層資料同化及其對氣象條件和空氣品質模擬的影響;PBL data assimilation with T-POMDA high vertical-resolution observation and its impact on meteorological and air-quality simulation 王智寬; Wang, Chih-Kuan
    2022-08-08 南中國海東北部三萬八千年以來的浮游性有孔蟲豐度之古海洋意義探討;A Study on Planktonic Foraminifera for the Last 38,000 Years in the NE South China Sea: Implications for Paleoceanography 陳子軒; Chen, Tzu-Hsuan
    2022-08-06 不連續雙黏性流模式之發展與應用 : 以泥石流、山崩型海嘯及局部沖刷為例;Development and Application of Discontinuous Bi-Viscous Model to Mudslides, Landslide Tsunamis, and Local Scours 王小玫; Nhi, Vuong Thi Hong
    2022-08-04 台灣北部外海碰撞後期區域自中新世晚期以來的構造沉積演化過程;Tectono-sedimentary evolution of the post-collision area off northern Taiwan since late Miocene 阮光明; Nguyen, Quang Minh
    2022-08-03 PEARL系列立方衛星飛行軟體開發;PEARL CubeSat Flight Software Development 洪華廷; Hung, Hua-Ting
    2022-08-03 利用耦合馬可夫鏈率定沉積物之水平側向延伸參數 -以臺北盆地兩處研究區為例 潘啟平; Pan, Chi-Ping
    2022-08-03 Impacts of Equatorial Ocean Currents on El Ni�o Simulations in CMIP6 Models 林育慎; Lin, Yu-Shen
    2022-08-01 利用高解析反射與折射震測探測池上斷層;Imaging Chihshang Fault by high-resolution Reflection and Refraction Seismic Survey 陳昱菘; Chen, Yu-Song
    2022-07-28 混合型聖嬰海洋動力演化機制的研究;The dynamical evolution of Mixed type of El Niño: An Oceanic View 林振澤; Lin, Chen-Tse
    2022-07-26 中央氣象局FV3GFS全球天氣預報系統應用混合增益系集—變分資料同化方法之評估研究(2/3);Evaluation of the hybrid gain ensemble-variational data assimilation method applied to Central Weather Bureau’s FV3GFS global weather prediction system (2/3) 楊舒芝
    2022-07-26 臺灣南部弱綜觀海陸風無人機觀測(2/2);UAV Observing Land-sea Breeze during Weak Synoptic Scale Weather Condition in Southern Taiwan (2/2) 王聖翔; 賴信志
    2022-07-26 大氣邊界層觀測資料同化與多維尺度數值模擬-邊界層資料同化及其對近地表預報之影響(總計畫及子計畫二)( III );Pbl Data Assimilation and Its Impact on Near-Surface Prediction( III ) 國立中央大學大氣科學學系
    2022-07-26 台灣中部平原到高山之氣膠傳送過程與雲交互作用;The Aerosol Transport Process and Cloud Interaction from the Central Plains of Taiwan to the High Mountains 國立中央大學大氣科學學系
    2022-07-26 赤道湧升流在CMIP V 模式裡的表現機制與誤差成因之研究(二);Dynamics and Systematic Bias of Simulated Equatorial Upwelling Variability in Cmip V Models (Stage 2) 國立中央大學大氣科學學系
    2022-07-26 亞洲大氣污染物之整合監測與其對環境及氣候之衝擊研究-國際參與 (II)-東南亞生質燃燒對溫室氣體之影響與演變(總計畫及子計畫十一);Influences and Variations of Southeast Asian Biomass Burning on Greenhouse Gases 國立中央大學大氣科學學系
    2022-07-26 亞洲大氣污染物之整合監測與其對環境及氣候之衝擊研究-國際參與(II)-7-SEAS/PM2.5 and Better Air Quality Network in SEA(總計畫及子計畫一);Integrated Monitoring on Asian Atmospheric Pollutants and Their Impact on Environment and Climate-Participation of International Experiment (Ii): 7-Seas/Pm2.5 and Better Air Quality Network in Sea 國立中央大學大氣科學學系
    2022-07-26 亞洲大氣污染物之整合監測與其對環境及氣候之衝擊研究-國際參與(II)-高低海拔測站大氣汞分布與影響機制比較(總計畫及子計畫四);Comparison of Atmospheric Mercury Distribution and Driving Mechanisms between High and Low Altitude Sites 國立中央大學大氣科學學系
    2022-07-26 侵台颱風路徑變化與快速發展之機制探討:平流層與對流層的位渦動力分析;Mechanisms on Typhoon Track Evolution and Rapid Intensification of Typhoons near Taiwan: Stratospheric and Tropospheric Potential-Vorticity Dynamic Diagnostics 國立中央大學大氣科學學系
    2022-07-26 氣象巨量資料應用在即時與極短期臺灣暴雨與強風的預報技術提升與相關災害防治-氣象巨量資料應用在即時與極短期臺灣暴雨與強風的預報技術提升與相關災害防治( II );Massive Meteorological Data Used in Nowcasting and Extremely Short- Term Taiwan Heavy Rain and Strong Wind Forecast Technology Improvement and Related Disaster Prevention( II ) 國立中央大學大氣科學學系
    2022-07-26 探討以都卜勒雷達風場資料進行熱動力反演之不確定性及改善方法( I );On the Uncertainty of Thermodynamic Retrieval Using Doppler-Radar-Synthesized Wind Data and Methods for Improvement( I ) 國立中央大學大氣科學學系
    2022-07-26 臺灣區域豪雨觀測與預報實驗後續研究-同化雙偏極化參數在對流尺度天氣之影響-觀測算符之優化與雲微物理方案測試(總計畫及子計畫三);The Impact of Assimilating Dual-Polarimetric Parameters on Convective-Scale Weather - Optimization of Observation Operators and Microphysics Scheme 國立中央大學大氣科學學系
    2022-07-26 臺灣區域豪雨觀測與預報實驗後續研究-梅雨與颱風季降雨微物理與邊界層熱動力特性之研究(總計畫及子計畫一);Study on Precipitating Microphysics and Thermal Dynamical Characteristics of Boundary Layer during Mei-Yu and Typhoon Seasons 國立中央大學大氣科學學系
    2022-07-26 臺灣區域豪雨觀測與預報實驗後續研究-劇烈中尺度對流降雨系統之動力結構與雲物理特性雙偏極化雷達觀測分析(總計畫及子計畫二);The Kinematic Structure and Microphysical Characteristics Analysis of Severe Mesoscale Convective Precipitation System 國立中央大學大氣科學學系
    2022-07-26 衛星科學跨學門計畫-掩星觀測資料對全球與區域劇烈天氣預報改善之研究-衛星科學跨學門計畫-掩星觀測資料對全球與區域劇烈天氣預報改善之研究;Improvements of Global and Regional Severe Weather Prediction with Radio Occultation Data 國立中央大學大氣科學學系
    2022-07-26 積雲對流與向東傳播赤道大氣波動交互作用研究( I );On the Interactions between Cumulus Convection and Eastward-Propagating Equatorial Atmospheric Waves( I ) 國立中央大學大氣科學學系
    2022-07-26 福衛7與獵風者GNSS資料加值與應用-福衛7與獵風者GNSS資料加值與應用( I );Adding Value and Applications of Formosat and Triton Satellite Gnss Data( I ) 楊舒芝; 錢樺周; 昆炫葉; 文豪葉; 大綱張; 午龍陳; 舒雅莊; 智清蔡
    2022-07-26 大氣科學學門研究發展推動計畫( II );Research Development and Promotion for the Atmospheric Science Community( II ) 廖宇慶; 吳健銘

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