「直銷」由於其銷售商品與拓展組織的獨特性,特別是以「人」為中心所產出放射式銷售成效,徹底顛覆了舊有實體店面營運方式,往往締造出令人刮目相看的業績,因此精油透過直銷模式銷售產品,已成為自由經濟社會中常用之經營模式。 中國大陸消費市場商機龐大,為全球商品銷售必爭之地,但中國政策規定,企業不得進行傳銷活動,個案公司為美國著名天然精油產銷公司,在美國以直銷模式銷售產品,搶占中國市場成為公司發展主要目標,在面臨企業轉型經營與中國本土業者競爭之下,如何拓銷中國市場,如何選擇切入市場方式,發展「經營策略」與「營運模式」成為重要關鍵。 本研究主要在於探討精油直銷公司進入中國所面臨之問題,先透過產業分析工具瞭解精油產業特質與核心關鍵問題,再利用SWOT分析提出經營策略建議,以作為直銷公司進入中國市場經營策略調整之參考。 ;Direct marketing includes conceptual propagation and product marketing which constructs the main frame of sale activity. The radial sales effectiveness is the key factor to success in direct selling. To overturn the traditional way, direct-selling involves the marketing of products and services directly to consumers in a face-to-face manner, away from permanent retail locations market competition and getting Amazing business performance. The target company of this case study is an American essential oils company’s China branch office founded in 2014. Taking the particularity of Chinese direct selling market and complexity of the supervision of direct selling into account, only the single-level direct selling activity is allowed according to the national laws at this stage. How to make the appropriate adjustment of operational strategy is main problem needed to be resolved by the direct selling enterprises. This research focuses on discussing the business transformation of multinational direct selling companies in china market. With this main objective, the researcher selects S-C-P model as the analytic tool and SWOT analysis to formulate the strategy; moreover, the researcher selects a case to review the competition strengths and offers the suitable development strategies which provides a more complete way of thinking and operating reference for those direct selling enterprises.