本研究使用數值模擬以及實作驗證進行局域性表面電漿效應(LSPR, Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance )應用於增益有機發光二極體(OLED)發光強度之參數優化研究。 OLED為近幾年來的新興節能產品,擁有面光源、低耗能等優點,非常適合應用於室內照明。但由於開發時間較LED晚,要打入現今照明市場,其發光強度、製作成本都必須要有顯著的突破。在眾多提昇其發光強度的研究中,製程中加入奈米級金屬粒子之局域性表面電漿效應擁有能夠直接提昇其電激發光強度的特性。 本研究即針對影響此效應增益發光強度之各項參數進行優化研究,在數值模擬上分別改變粒子尺寸、周圍介質、粒子間距等參數,討論其變化趨勢;在實作上進行金屬銀之薄膜生長,驗證模擬得到的趨勢。最後與現有之白光OLED 發光光譜進行比對,得到較佳的製程參數。 透過本研究的結論,將能有效降低使用局域性表面電漿效應增益有機發光二極體發光強度之研究成本以及時間,提昇OLED的市場化的速度。 ;In this study, we use numerical simulation and experimental verification doing the investigation for optimizing parameters of enhanced lighting intensity of organic emitting diode by localized surface plasmon resonance. OLED with the surface light source and flexibility is very suited for indoor illumination. However, the technology of OLED is falling behind LED because of late discovery. It is important to improve lighting intensity and decrease cost of OLED for market competition. LSPR is the way to directly improve the lighting intensity. In numerical simulation, we adjust the sizes, surrounding material and spacing of nano-particle to discuss the tendency. In experiment, we verify the tendency by Ag nano-particle. At last, we gain the better parameter by coinciding with the emission spectrum of white OLED. With the conclusion, we can reduce the time and cost of improving lighting intensity of OLED by LSPR.