近年來文獻指出二氧化鈦與四氧化三鈷皆具有類似過氧化物物質催化活性(peroxidase activity),可將過氧化氫與不同的指示劑中進行本質類過氧化物催化,如TMB。有機物分解過程中時常會產生過氧化氫,例如葡萄糖氧化酶(GOx)可將葡萄糖氧化成葡萄糖酸與過氧化氫,利用比色法可以有效的偵測葡萄糖濃度。而且鈦-鈷金屬氧化物利用此催化作用於暗室下,在降解有機染料部分於本研究中有著顯著的效果。本實驗主要要探討與尋找最佳參數之鈦-鈷金屬氧化物本質催化有效地進行葡萄糖檢測與RhB有機染料降解。 本研究以靜電紡絲法控制鈷鈦金屬離子莫爾數比,製備出直徑範圍150~250nm的一維奈米結構,並利用XRD, SEM, TEM進行材料分析。其中Co2TiO4有優異的本質過氧化酶活性,研究發現其會在本質催化反應的過程中分解出同為過過氧化物酶物質之CoTiO3 和Co3O4,使其在反應過程中會因分解進而有更大表面積,使得其在葡萄糖檢測及染料降解有相當大的潛力。 ;Recently, many research has shown that Titanium dioxide and cobalt(II) dicobalt(III) oxide exhibit intrinsic peroxidase-like activity towards classical peroxidase substrates such as 3,3,5,5,-tetramethylbenzdine (TMB) in the presence of H2O2. It is well-known that H2O2 is the main product of the glucose oxidase (GOX)-catalyzed reaction. Since it can be catalyzed by Titanium-Cobalt metal oxide to produce the color signal, the colorimetric detection of glucose can be realized. More interestingly, the Titanium-Cobalt metal oxide nanofibers showed powerful ability towards activation of H2O2, displaying outstanding dark catalytic activity for the degradation of organic dye. As peroxidase mimetics, Titanium-Cobalt metal oxide nanofibers were used for colorimetric determination of glucose and degradation of organic dye RhB. In this study, we control the Moore ratio of cobalt and titanium ions of electrospinning precursor. The diameter of nanofibers is in the range of 150 ~ 250 nm . The as-prepared sample was characterized in detail by XRD, SEM, TEM. We found that Co2TiO4 nanofibers were decompose to the mixture of CoTiO3 and Co3O4 after catalysis. It indicate that Co2TiO4 nanofibers can increase surface area by decomposition and show the best peroxidase activity.