本論文透過稜鏡觀點來研究分析伺服器產業之企業藍圖中是否可能會有被忽視的環節,以個案公司為例來探討在企業價值藍圖上每一元素角色的位置以及相關連結,對於企業計劃及最終客戶的影響,並探討企業能夠試著在問題發生之前提早預知,而且及時在問題擴大之前就獲得解決。在提昇軟、硬體的實力同時,使得企業本身及合作伙伴之間的互相依賴關係能夠相輔相成,最後成功戰勝產業的變遷,保持企業永續發展競爭力。 ;In view of data centers develop massively and IOT raises rapidly all these years, which make a lot of changes among server product industry, in the meanwhile, requirements have numerous difference no matter in hardware or software integration technical skill. In order to meet the industrial various demands and keep competition to maintain enterprise’s position, suppliers will not be only focus on improving hardware configuration’s performance, but also need to cultivate professional technologic engineers on software who can develop required programs fast and without bug to integrate into high level operation of server products. One thing that enterprise can’t be ignored is need to also monitor your partners’ pace if they can catch up the schedule or fall behind the plan which sometimes will become invisible obstacle to your success.
By using wide lens analysis, we can study the possible weakness from enterprise value blueprint of server industry. We will discuss and analyze how the impact will be for enterprise’s plan or end customers from every element of characters and its linkage on A company’s value blueprint. Trying to foresee the problems and even find the solutions before problems break out. To gain prosperous business and keep company lasting forever, upgrade hardware and software professional knowledge in parallel, well cooperation between enterprises and partners are very important from industry competitive perspective as well.