協助員工達成職涯上的成功,進而促成組織的成功,一直是組織在人才管理上的一項重要課題。晉升向來被多數組織及個人視為職涯成功的主要象徵,而晉升力評分不但是員工晉升時的重要指標,也是衡量員工職涯成功的關鍵因素之一。在傳統的組織內部晉升發展途徑,多半仍以員工的工作績效做為晉升力評分的重要決定因素。 在人力資源管理領域,有關適應性績效的概念正逐漸開始萌芽。過去的任務性績效構面忽略了個體對新任務和新要求適應情況的描述。而適應性績效強調個體於動態的環境下,調整自身表現的能力。相較於靜態觀點的任務性績效,適應性績效對晉升力評分應更具有預測力。而在晉升力評分的過程中,社會脈絡的因子向來被認為會對晉升力評分的結果產生影響。因此,同步考量主管-部屬交換關係有其意義存在。 本研究採跨產業樣本蒐集之方式,由台灣及大陸兩岸各產業類型之民營企業,回收後配對成功之503份有效問卷,以階層迴歸分析探討員工適應性績效與主管晉升力評分的關聯性,同時觀察社會脈絡中的主管-部屬交換關係對上述關係間存在的調節效果。研究結果說明,適應性績效與晉升力評分間具有顯著的正向關係。 ;For organizational success, assisting employees in reaching career goals is always one of the major issues in the talent management. Promotion is considered as the obvious symbol of measuring career success by most individuals and organizations. Therefore, promotability rating is not only the main indicator for promotions of employee but one of the key elements indicating employee’s career success. In the traditional organizations, the main determinant of promotability ratings for employee promotions is mostly the job performance evaluation. Nowadays, the concept of adaptive performance for evaluating employees’ job performance is progressively developed in the field of human resource management. In the past, task performance usually ignores how individuals adapting the new task and the superior’s request. Compared to task performance which focuses on static views of data, adaptive performance emphasizes evaluating the ability of how individuals adjusting personal performance in the dynamic environment. Thus, adaptive performance should have more predictive capability for promotability ratings. In other perspective, most researches deem the social context one of the main factor of promotability ratings. Thus, Leader-member Exchange Theory (LMX) is taken into consideration as the moderating effect. In this study, we collected pair questionnaires from privately owned companies based on Taiwan and China in different industries. 503 valid paired questionnaires were returned for data analysis. This study analyzes the relationship of employees’ adaptive performance and supervisors’ promotability ratings with hierarchical multiple regression, also the moderating effect of LMX on the previous relationship. The results of regression analysis showed that adaptive performance had positively related to promotability ratings.