摘要: | 熱拌再生瀝青混凝土因氣候、超載、時間等因素,造成道路損壞,許多路面幾乎都以刨除加封方式來改善,經過數次刨除加封再利用,道路之再生瀝青混凝土含量早已超過法規規定之標準值,其道路之服務品質也逐年下滑,影響用路人觀感,甚至危及用路人之安全及財產之損失。 目前許多道路工程已全面禁止使用熱拌再生瀝青混凝土,業主會指派人員駐廠,駐廠人員要確保廠商會依配合設計生產瀝青混凝土,並確認瀝青混凝土之品質是否能出廠,但如果同時間內有許多工地進行施工,往往會有人力不足之現象產生。 有鑑於此,本研究經詳細了解瀝青混凝土生產流程後,對成品儲存桶,避免有再生料或不同配比之材料混入,採專廠專用,於生產約20分鐘後做熱料篩分析試驗,將其結果調整適當比例交予操作室調整,待生產穩定後,取混合料成品進行含油量及篩分析試驗等步驟,達成高品質瀝青混凝土之產品,其錄影設備及遠端連線等系統確認後於出料口、冷料斗、控制室、控制盤、再生料輸送帶、調度室、施工機具等位置架設攝影機,並以資料庫結合程式設計建立一套遠端監控系統。新導向,新的思維,此系統不僅能在電腦上顯示,更可以透過智慧型手機等科技產品進行即時遠端監控,可供政府之經辦工程師、監督單位等,得知最即時之生產與施工之進度,完全掌控工程施工品質維護之過程,最後,本研究以工程案例測試,評估是否能以較低的人力資源,提升更好的道路工程品質,做好永續發展之理念。
關鍵字:瀝青混凝土、遠端監控系統、駐廠要點、道路工程品質;The pavement is often damaged owing to the factors of climate, overloaded and time. In order to improve this damage, the common way of improvement is removing the surface of a pavement area. However, the contents of recycled asphalt in pavement always exceed the standard of the regulations after recycling and reusing in many times, and the quality of the pavement is not only dropped off year by year, but also endangered the drivers. Therefore, recycled hot mix asphalt is forbidden using in many road constructions. In addition, owners will delegate the staff to ensure the asphalt pavement material was produced base on the contract by milling producer and the quality of the asphalt pavement material. Nevertheless, there are insufficient human resources for many places to build simultaneously. Therefore, this study was to learn more about asphalt concrete production process , the finished product storage tanks , to avoid different proportions of recycled materials or materials mixed in, mining factory dedicated professionals , doing hot material sieve analysis test in about 20 minutes after the production , as a result, the ratio will be adjusted appropriately adjusted handed to the operating room , to be stable production , take the mixture and the oil content of finished products such as sieve analysis test procedures to achieve high -quality asphalt products , whose recording equipment and remote connection systems confirm later, at the discharge port , cold hopper , control room, control panel , renewable materials conveyor , control room, construction machinery and other locations to set up the camera , and a database program designed to establish a combination of remote monitoring system. In this study, this system is not only displayed on computers, but also remote monitored by smart phones immediately. Hence, it can provide the engineers and supervisors with the progress and the quality of a construction. Finally, we performed a case study and evaluated that whether a lower human resources, improve the quality of road works better, good idea of sustainable development.
Keyword:asphalt concrete, remote monitoring systems, Mill Point,The quality of road works |