本研究以高科技產業之員工為研究樣本,探討心裡賦能對於組織中員工投入參與程度的影響,以及對其工作滿足與組織認同的影響。本研究並以員工的心理氣候認知為調節變項,進一步探究其在心理賦能對員工投入影響關係中的調節作用。研究結果顯示員工的心理賦能知覺會正向影響其在組織中的投入程度。員工投入程度的提升會正向地影響其工作滿足與組織認同。本研究亦證實員工的心理賦能知覺對於其投入程度的影響,會受到員工心理氣候知覺的調節,即在具有高度心理氣候知覺的組織氛圍中,當組織賦與員工高度的工作自主性時,反而會降低員工的投入程度。 ;With the samples from the high–tech industries, the purpose of this study is to investigate the relationships among psychological empowerment, employee involvement, employees’ job satisfaction, and organizational identification. The variable of perceived psychological climate is included as a moderating variable in order to better understand its moderating effect on the relationship between psychological empowerment and employee involvement. It is found that psychological empowerment has a positive effect on employee involvement. Employee involvement has a positive effect on employees’ satisfaction and organizational identification. It is also found that employees’ perception of psychological climate has a moderating effect on the relationship between psychological empowerment and employee involvement.