近年來歐美日大力發展廢棄物氣化發電系統與先進燃煤發電系統,這些系統均會產生高溫高壓之氣體及飛灰,在進入氣渦輪機前必須有效的控制,方能使系統有效運作。為了因應系統中所產生的飛灰粒徑大小不同之問題,本論文將採用二段過濾方式的觀點,進行二段顆粒床儲槽的設計,以滿足發電系統渦輪機之需求規範。依據二段過濾之觀點與所得到之濾材相關流動性質量測結果,設計出二段顆粒床儲槽床體之內部配置,找出最佳有效消除濾材靜止區的床體設計條件。 本研究以Jenike剪力測試儀器量測顆粒在不同的粒徑下的流動性質,以提供未來在設計移動式顆粒床系統上能有一參考。在二維中,針對儲槽進行濾材流動型態實驗與分析,同時也進行濾材在儲槽中的速度場分析,以進一步瞭解濾材於兩段式儲槽系統中的流動型態。不同粒徑大小之濾材質量流率、儲槽內部葉片配置設計等都是影響儲槽設計的重要參數。 而上述實驗所得之結果,將可提供未來在設計三維兩段式顆粒床過濾系統設計上,有實際的參考依據,而最終目標則是建立可為商業化之高溫燃氣流動式二段式顆粒床過濾系統。 ;The gasification systems for power generation and the advanced coal-fired power plants have been developed in United States, Europe and Japan in recent years. High temperature syngas with dust particulates and fly ashes is generated during the gasification. In order to protect the gas turbine from particulates and to increase the efficiency of system, the dirty syngas should be cleaned before entering the gas turbine. This work continues in design of two-stage granular moving bed filter for syngas cleanup. The flow pattern and velocity field of granular filter media in 2D model of filter vessel are presented in this work. Jenike shear tester was used to measure flow properties of fine and coarse fliter media for design of mass flow of filter vessel. Attention was devoted to wall friction of filter media on stainless wall specimen. Detailed analysis of normal and shear forces in wall shear tests is part of this work. As filter media, the fine and coarse silica sands were tested. The particle size analysis shows that angle of wall friction decreases with increase of median d50 particle size.