研究期間:10308~10407;For the assessment of climate change impact and adaptation, the regional future projection of temperature and precipitation information is for more important than the global mean climate change, climate change simulations conducted using conventional global general circulation model’s (GCMs) can be used to provide information on climate change and its potential impact on society to policy makers. However, these climate model simulations cannot resolve important regional features. For example, regional climate models show greater promise in simulating the diurnal cycle of rainfall over continental regions. This is not entirely surprising, as regional models offer a multitude of different physical parameterization options to choose from, and with careful testing can be optimized to produce realistic simulations over fine spatial and temporal scales. Regional models can also resolve surface characteristics (both land use and terrain) well. The propose of this project will use WRF model as a platform to develop a high resolution regional climate modeling system and based on the dynamic downscaling of global climate model projection to estimate the likelihood of future climate change projection in Taiwan. The research subjects include the following tasks. 1、 Refinement of radiation physical parameterization. 2、 Use the dual-polarization radar and satellite observations to evaluate and validate the microphysical process in precipitating cloud and refine or selecting the optimal physical package of cloud microphysical processes. 3、 Study the effect of high resolution land use and land cover data on regional climate simulation. 4、 Develop a regional air-sea coupled model to study air-sea interaction and regional climate processes.