延續晚清以來受到列強威逼,新種改良的需求在中國發酵,到了民國時期經由五四新文化運動,這些結合了新兩性關係、國族主義、優生節育還有近代衛生醫學的性話語開始在中國掀起波瀾,到了1930年代,社會大眾對近代衛生觀念已有一定程度的了解與注重,至新生活運動時,在國民政府的推動下,人們對於「性教育」與「性慾衛生」相關知識的需求達到一個高峰,這些性育以及性慾衛生的話語紛紛刊載於各類刊物上。本研究預期能夠透過這些報刊雜誌專書等出版品,其中對於性育與性慾衛生的勾勒,呈現當時的社會以及個人,對於當時逐步納入正規教育的性教育,除了知識與理論的接收外,是如何在生活中應用與實踐,以及對於「性慾」的觀感以及態度的變化。並且以「性」的角度補充目前近代衛生發展、性別史、傳播史研究,並擴展近代中國書報雜誌研究的方向,最後希望藉此研究能夠讓人重新思考性與人的關係。 The threats and invasions in the last decades of Qing stimulated Chinese people cried for “race improvement”. Meanwhile, new gender relationship, nationalism and eugenicist knowledge went on the stage through modern medical discourse by the May-fourth movement. These new wide-spread modern public health knowledge bumped with the public racial anxiety sprayed waves in public discussions in 1930s. The discussions on modern sex concepts, the attitude of lust and the implementations of sex bloomed on the newspaper and other publications. The Nationalist government also joined these discussions, official propaganda in the New Life Movement pushed these discussions to a new peak. This study expect to address the sexual discussions in the Republican era before the Sino-Japanese war through these publications. The transformations of sex discourses in modern China provided a new approach and extend more issues for current studies, such as history of media, sex and public health development. After rethinking these transformations, this study suggest the new birth of sex represents the image of new human relationship emerged in modern China.