摘要: | 四川的客家話是明清以來的移民產物,至今已成為四川省漢語方言中具影響力的一支,本文以四川省簡陽市踏水鎮的客家話為主要研究對象,是筆者親自調查之語言材料,經由語料的採集及記錄,探討來自廣東五華的客家族群遷入四川後,與原鄉在時間與空間的上的長期阻隔後所呈現的音韻及詞彙特色。四川客家話是湖廣填四川的移民運動移植進來的產物,本文對於失載於文獻的踏水話進行研究,是開闢四川客家方言點的中繼站之一,其突出的「官話化」發展,是與當地方言強烈互動後的妥協,更是值得深探的環節。 本文以音韻研究為主,詞彙為輔,共分七個章節。第一章為緒?,?明本文的研究動機與目的、研究方法及研究步驟,並佐以相關研究文獻、四川省及踏水鎮的史地概況、四川客家話的分布及發音人的基本簡介等進行多區塊簡述。第二章為踏水話語音系統的說明,分別介紹踏水話的聲韻調以及連讀變調的特色,歸音位問題也在此一併說明。第三章便進入歷史音韻的範疇,將踏水話與中古音系進行比較,而比較後的特色,為第四章各別從聲、韻、調及連讀變調特點進行討論的基礎,發現濁去歸上特徵仍保留,當然也表現出與四川官話之間的互動,如陰聲韻的陽聲韻尾、影母開口一二等的-聲母等特色。第五章為方言內部比較的應用,經由比較五華話與踏水話語音、詞彙,甚至構詞差異,發現踏水話的面目全非,且踏水話詞彙的官話化情形嚴重,第六章則經由客家話特徵詞的驗證以及踏水話的特殊詞彙簡論,並歸納出踏水話的詞彙特點:(1)語言接觸的衝擊(2)詞彙的說法多樣、分工細(3)詞彙中的文化變遷(4)詞彙的環境侷限性(5)重疊構詞法的使用,第七章為本文的結論,總結踏水話的語音及詞彙特色,並檢討本文的不足之處,並提供未來對四川客家話深入發展的建議以及方向。 The Hakka dialect in Sichuan is the product of the immigration policy during Ming and Ching Dynasty, so far, it has become one of the influential Chinese dialects in Sichuan. This thesis emphasizes on the hakka dialect of Tashui Zhen(踏水鎮),a town in Sichuan Jianyang(簡陽).The materials of Tashui hakka dialect are investigated and written, Tashui hakka dialect ,which came from Guangdong Wuhua(五華), we discuss the phonological and lexical characteristics of Tashui dialect ,that shows the differences between the origin country Wuhua and the new settlement Tashui. The Mandarinization of Tashui dialect reveals a unique point that attracts our attention, we regard it as the product of language contact because the intense interaction has shown us the compromise with the southwest Mandarin. This thesis is divided into seven chapters, it contains phonology and lexicon discussion, but we mainly focus on the former, the latter is auxiliary. The first chapter is the introduction which explains the motivation ,purpose, research method, procedure, bibliography of related articles, as well as brief situation of Sichuan history and geography, where hakka dialect spread in Sichuan, and simple information of utterance speakers. The second chapter represents the phonetic system of Tashui dialect, the initials, finals, tones and the special tone sandhi. The historical phonology is shown in Chapter three, we compare the Tashui dialect with middle Chinese phonetic system, after comparing, all the phonological characteristics contribute to the fourth chapter.we found out that some features remains, such as sang tone (上聲) in ancient Qu (去聲) with voiced initial. However, it also influenced by southwest Mandarin (西南官話), such as in finals (陰聲韻)with yang finals(陽聲韻)and Velar nasal consonant “-“ appears in ing (影母). The comparison between Wuhua and Tashui dialect is discussed in chapter five, including phonology, lexicons, even the morphology, generally speaking, the massive change alters beyond recognition. The chapter six talks about the Tashui lexicons, hakka dialectal feature words are still used, but the obvious Mandarinization phenomena show a big impact on Sichuan hakka dialects. Briefly speaking, there are five lexical features in Tashui dialect:(1) the impact of language contact(2) various lexicon statement and detail categories (3)cultural change (4)environmental constraint (5) reduplication word formation. The Chapter seven is the conclusion, to sum up the phonology and lexical features of Tashui dialect, Finally, an examination of the shortcomings of this study and possible future advices are provided to make further development of Sichuan hakka dialects. |