摘要: | 在一個大型的電腦程式的維護過程中,程式設計師要對電腦程式進行修改時,程式 碼理解是必經的過程,而在這過程中往往必須耗費大量的時間成本。在進行軟體維護的 過程中如有人員的調動,對新進的開發人員而言,要對既有的電腦程式進行理解其實是 件相當艱鉅的任務。 過去有研究指出程式設計師在理解電腦程式的過程中有 80%的時間成本都花費在錯誤 的方向上。這些錯誤有可能是在花費大量時間進行程式碼理解之後卻使用了錯誤的方法 解決問題,或者是在錯誤的程式碼片段進行程式碼修改但沒有達到目的。因此如何輔助 程式設計師有效率的進行程式碼理解是個很重要的課題。 對一個大型的軟體系統,程式設計師要進行程式碼理解時一般會閱讀系統的相關文 件與程式碼註解。不過在許多系統上可能會遇到系統文件不完善或是沒隨著程式碼版本 更新等問題,並且系統文件本身難以表達系統軟體在執行中的狀態。而較有經驗的程式 設計師會使用開發環境所提供的功能如 debugger,來觀察系統軟體執行時的狀態藉此進 行程式碼理解。因此,為了減少開發人員在程式碼理解上的困難,本研究採用了動態分 析的技術實作一個 Eclipse 的 plugin 來協助幫助程式設計師可以快速的找到他們所關心 的功能其所在位置,藉此大量減少程式設計師在大量程式碼中找尋或嘗試的時間成本。 In the maintenance process of large-scale programs, tracing and understanding the source code is an important process before the program can be modified or extended. To a programmer who needs to understand an unfamiliar software system, it is always a daunting task. In most cases, the comprehension process is often time-consuming and tiresome. Some researches indicated that programmers can waste 80 percent of time comprehending software in wrong directions. The wrong directions could end up spending time on understanding the code in the wrong places and then resolve the problem by incorrect solutions. Therefore, it is crucial to help programmers to find the needed code effectively and efficiently. In large-scale software system, program comments and system documents are the important sources to help program understanding. Yet, in many projects, the documents could be incomplete, outdated, or obsolete, which do not catch up the newest version of source code. More importantly, static documents is often insufficient to describe the dynamic behaviors of a running software. Some researches show that experienced programmers choose tools such as debuggers in SDE to observe the execution of a computer program for comprehension. Based on such an observation, this work uses dynamic analysis technique and debuggers to implement a plugin in Eclipse to help developers find the location of interested code effectively. |