軟體經過長時間的演進,常需要為了增加新功能亦或是修正程式的錯誤,而不斷的修改程式碼。而毫無設計的隨意修改將會造成類別間互動更為複雜,導致程式碼的修改卻變得越來越困難,最後程式模組化會逐漸消失而成為一團程式碼。但在軟體開發中如何模組化類別(Class),卻是一件令人困擾的事情。因此本篇提出利用擴充 Hitz 和 Montazeri 的度量方法來模組化程式碼,用於建議開發者如何模組化程式碼,以符合模組內高內聚力(Coefficient)、模組間低耦合力(Coupling)的原則,進而將未來因改變而依賴的改變限制在建議的模組(Package)內。 Software usually is modified for adding new functionality or fixing bug in software evolution. Class interaction will be complex if modify it with incorrect design and then modify it will be difficult. Finally software modularity will be destroyed in this situation.Software modularization is annoying in software development for developers. We propose the code modularization approach based on Extended Hitz and Montazeri’s Metrics to suggest developers how to modularize their software. This suggested modularization follow low coupling and high coefficient Principle in package. So we can limit the change dependent change causing in the suggested modularization.